Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on May 27, 2019 at 3:12 AM, finished with 753 posts and 2 votes.
[X] [great river expedition] A trading expedition
[X] [task] build harbor [Rivermeet]
[X] [task] build boats
[X] [task] A House for the gods
[X] [task] Build granary
The vote is still open but i do the math for the current vote to show how it works with randomly chosen options where there is a draw.
The stats impacted by the current votes are:
Growth +6 34/50
A trading expedition cost -2 current transportation(river), -1 base transportation(river)
lowering transportation(river) 2/2 to 0/1
A House for the gods Cost: 2 current crafting, 1 current workers
Workers 4/5 and Crafters 1/3
build harbor [Rivermeet]
Free(will add a cost of 1 current crafting next turn)
build boats costs 1 current crafters
Crafters 0/3 and transportation(river) 0/1,5
Study[the wheel] cost 1 current learning
Learning 1/2
rolls might alter this but if no high/low rolls happen:
Leaving for the midturn:
Workers 4/5
Crafters 0/3
Learning 1/2
transportation(land) 1/1
transportation(river) 0/1,5
If noting is spend there for the new main turn the current stats become:
Workers (4+5)/2= 4.5 rounds to 5
Crafters (0+3)/2=1.5 rounds to 2
Learning (1+2)/2-1.5 rounds to 2
transportation(land) (1+1)/2 = 1
transportation(river) (0+1,5)/2 = 1.25 rounds to 1
A trading expedition: 41(meet Firal), 30(rapids)
A House for the gods: 66
Build harbor: 6 harbor
Build boats: 42
Study[the wheel]: 61
Other noticeable rolls:
farming 95: +1 growth per turn
Robin farming 84: +5 growth
current learning is 1: +5 all study projects
palisades: Old town, Flint, Riverbend
Stone walls: Rivermeet
Longhouses: all settlements
Towns: Riverbend and Rivermeet
stability roll = 100 = raises to Stability: very High
+04 base
+01 abstract tally
+02 Master artisans
+02 Warrior nobles
-21 settlements
+08 Trail markers
+01 Patrol lands
+04 Palace
+02 Filled Granaries
+01 for having a hero
+00 per admin hero(+2 each)
Tribes Status:
Stability: very High.
Growth +7 46/50
5 bronze, +1 per turn
Wealth: 0, +0 per turn
Cohesion: +4
Bison(age 40): +10 to all metalworking tasks rolls
Raven(age 70): +10 to all metalworking tasks and +10 to all farming tasks rolls
The great river expedition was launched from the harbor of Rivermeet and rowed downriver reaching Midriver after four days, a small fishing settlement where traders moving between the two towns of the nation would stop but little else happened. The next stop of the expedition was Riverbend where they spend two days talking to the builders working on the towns new harbor and three more boats joined the expedition. The last stop before they left our nation was at Heroes rest where the statues honoring the warriors that fought the orcs there impressed all that saw them.
Beyond Heroes rest the river seemed to change, it become smaller and moved faster and when they camped the first night the ground was hard, not the soft soil surrounding the river near Riverbend. The next day the captain of the first boat noticed something strange part of the water ahead was white and when he reached that part of the river he lost control and his boat ended up hitting one of the rocks in the rapids. As the boat sank the crew struggled to stay afloat but lucky the rapids did not last long and in the calmer water behind them they managed to reach the riverbank. Having seen what happened to the first boat the next boat tried to avoid the rocks but capsized halfway.
The rest of the boats managed to reach the riverbank before the rapids and once all that could be recoved from the river was collected they made a plan to get past the rapids. There where three plans: a small group proposed going home as the river was to hard to travel and little of value had been found so far. A second group wanted to unload all boats and carry them past the rapids and the final plan came from the captain of the second boat he wanted to try again to pass the rapids on the river.
[rapids] Go home
Not liked by those supporting the exploration of the river but allows the use of the boats for other goals.
-1 stability, +0.5 base transportation(river), +1 current transportation(river)
[rapids] Carry the boats overland
Will make supplying the expedition harder and it will end on a roll of 25 or lower.
[rapids] Row past them
DC 40: expedition gets past the rapids with no losses.
below 40: -1 current transportation(river)
While expedition worked on getting past the rapids it became clear that the locals where not humans but a race not encounted before they looked a lot like humans but had the ears of cats and retractable claws on their hands and feet. From what you have seen so far they are hunting and fishers without permanent camps and you do not speak their language but the few meeting we had with them where friendly despite not understanding each other. We have decided to call them the Firal after the feral felines that live in our settlements.
[Firal] Send a expedition to learn the Firal language
-1 current transportation(river) and -1 current learning
[Firal] We can do this later
Adds a task to learn Firal next turn.
As Robin got older she spend her time working on making things easier and the invention of the wheel gave her a lot of new options these included the addition of a wheel to the back of plows making them easier to move across the fields and wagons to haul food to the towns. Once more wagons have been build moving goods over the nations roads will be a lot easier.
[+1 growth per turn, +5 growth and +2 more More plows for farmers actions allowed]
[new tasks: internal trade and build wagons]
The warriors where inspired by the great river expedition and decided to scout towards the north trying to find out more about the less inhabited lands there. They found a land inhabited by small groups of hunters that was a lot dryer then the forest near the great river and even the trees got smaller as they headed northwards. On there way back south they explored to the east of where they went north but only found more small bands of hunters in land ill suited to farming. The only thing of note where the mountains they saw to the east but the way to them was blocked by the fact that there where orcs living there.
name: current quest, reward for completing quest / penalty for failing quest
Farmers: train herders, +3 growth / -
Crafters: train a group of crafters, new study project / -
Warriors: train a group specialized warriors, +30 to a related study project / -
Traders: trade internal, study markets unlocked / -
Elders: none, send advisors + 1 current learning / -
Leaders: study cuneiform writing +0.2 base learning / -
Faction actions/special bonuses:
Warrior faction takes one action after the players
The Bison hill tribe has decided to build a new palace in the northern half of their lands and have decided on a wooden central hall surrounded by longhouses for the rest of the workers for the palace. Both the Deer hunters and Islanders have been inspired by our palace and are building ones. Our traders report that the Bison hill tribe has started to use longbows
Swamp dwellers(+40)
Fights orcs supported by the islanders(big island tribe).
Lacks: most modern tech imports the small amount of advanced tools they use.
Has: Warriors and control over a lot of swamp
Southern forest Tribes(+20)
The name for all of the minor tribes living to the south of the great river.
Lacks: permanent settlements
Has: bands of hunter gatherers.
The tribe can do 4 tasks each turn, negative events happen if stats go below 0.
[task] conquest
Take control of the lands surrounding the tribe
All groups send get -5 on their roll as they stay in the conquered area to control it.
there is a additional penalty of -5 per 25% losses taken in the battle.
Each time this task is taken more groups join(max 3 per time this action is taken).
results in a battle.
Southern riverbank: the land along the great river under orcish control
The warriors think there are about 12 groups of orcs and 3 of those are warriors.
Cost: 1 current transportation to supply them
[task] Raid
When raiding the tribe enters a area fights and returns home afterwards.
Each time this task is taken more groups join the raid
Write in the groups you want to send(max 3 per time this action is taken)
Targets: none
Cost: 1 current transportation to supply them
[task] Craft bronze spears for the militia
DC 20: one group gets bronze spears
DC 50: two groups gets bronze spears
DC 70: one groups gets bronze spears
Cost: 1 current crafters, 1 bronze
[task] Train warriors
Trains a new group of warriors armed with bronze tipped spears and bows.
Cost: 1 base workers, 1 current crafters, 1 bronze
[task] Expand militia
Trains a new group of militia armed with stone tipped spears and bows
Cost: 1 growth per turn, 0,5 current crafters
[task] Patrol lands(max one per three settlements)
+1 cohesion this turn
Sets up additional patrols to guard our lands.
Cost: none
[task] Build palisade
All camps have a palisade
DC 10 palisade bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] stone walls
target: any
DC 20 wall bonus next turn DC 70 bonus this turn.
gives a +20 bonus if the settlement is the target of a raid.
+5 from axes
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 current crafters
[task] Mine copper
get 1 bronze at DC 30, 2 bronze at DC 55, 3 bronze at DC 70
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] Expand mines
+1 bronze per turn
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 base workers
[task] Produce tools
use workers to produce tools.
+2 current crafters
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] Train crafters
Cost: 1 base workers
gives +0.5 base crafters, 1 more max build workshops
[task] build Workshops(4 of 4 build)
Dedicated places for our artisans or potters to work
gives +0.5 base crafters
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] build Boats
Build boats
gives +0.5 base transportation(river)
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] build wagons
Build boats
gives +0.5 base transportation(land)
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] Choose Dedicated leaders
Turns a group into dedicated leaders
+2 cohesion, -1 base workers, -0,2 base crafters to supply them
there are several kind of leaders and depending on the culture of the tribe one or more can be chosen.
If there are more then one type of dedicated leaders and there are more actions then the tribes rulers can control the leaders will form a faction taking over control of that action.
Warrior Nobles
Warrior Nobles spend their time ruling the tribe and lead in battle.
They fight as well as warriors but will take of artisan actions to make sure they have the best weapons the tribe can make.
For each group of warriors a tribe has it can have a group of warrior nobles.
Hunter Nobles
Spend their time hunting and produce 2 food per turn but you can have one less hunting action.
Master Artisans
+0,2 base crafters, +0,1 base learning
You can have one group of Master Artisans per 2 groups of artisans a tribe has.
Give a bonus related to the tribes religion
Requires a house of the gods or locked worship gods action
+0,2 base learning
[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
Can be taken once per three turns.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes
[task] scout[target]
Write in target based on the map
DC 30 to 50 depending on the site
If resources are not found the DC is reduced by roll/2.
[task] Create outpost
valid locations: None
Creates a outpost to claim a settlement site for the tribe
Each outpost reduces cohesion by one.
Allows the tribe to use resources in an area
DC 10: success.
cost 1 current workers
[task] Collect more grain from farmers
Increase the amount of grain collected from farmers
-5 growth per turn, +1 wealth per turn
[task] Create new settlement[location]
valid locations:
Heroes Rest(+1 max fishers, +1 max farmers, +1 max hunters)
Each settlement created increase the maximum farming and hunting actions by one.
Each settlement reduces cohesion by three.
DC 10: settlement is created
DC 30: camp is created with simple shelters
DC 70: camp is created with longhouses
cost 1 base transportation, 2 current workers, 2 current crafters
[task] Expand settlement into town
valid locations: none
Gain +2 growth per turn, new building allowed
cost 1 base transportation, 1 current workers, 1 current crafters
[task] Construct Longhouses
max once per settlement
Valid targets: none
+1 growth per turn
cost 1 current workers
[task] Trail markers(max = number of settlements +1)
With trade between the camps on the rise a network of trail markers would allow easier travel.
DC 30: Trail markers provide bonus next turn DC 80: bonus this turn.
Each trailmarker improves cohesion by 1.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes
cost 1 current workers
[task] Create roads at 250/250
The first roads are created by clearing a path wide enough for a travois and removing all obstacles like fallen trees from it.
It also includes log bridges to cross streams and prepared campsites for travelers.
progress needed: 50 points per settlement and outpost.
+1 transportation(land) per settlement or outpost connected.
cost 1 current workers, 0,5 current crafters
[task] worship Heroes
Seek the favor of the divine.
DC 35 get +5 and DC 80 get +10 on all other task rolls
[task] Festival
Holds a festival showing of the tribes values.
DC 30: +1 culture,
DC 60: +2 culture
DC 90: +3 culture
[task] Connect tribes [write in target]
Improves relations(+10) and trade with other tribes by creating improved connections using roads and canoes.
Both tribes will get +5 more on a study project from trade stations.
Possible targets:
Deer hunters: 1 current workers, 0/100 for road connection
Big island: 1 base transportation(river) always successful.
[task] Trade
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, children of the river, Hill hunters, big island tribe.
Collect teachers, create tools and prepare food to trade to the target.
+1 growth if trading with bison hill from having roads and bison pulled travios.
write in to target specific tribes/thing to trade
When trading techs both gain 1d100 on the tech, if one side does not have tech the other gets +2 culture instead.
DC 15: trade successful. 2 growth/1 tools
DC 50 gain 3 growth/2 tools
DC 65: gain one culture at the group you are trading with.
DC 80 gain 5 growth/3 tools.
DC 90: +5 relation boost
cost: 1 current transportation
[task] Trading station
Sends a small group of traders to live among a nearby tribe to collect goods to trade back home.
The owner gains +10 progress on a random tech the target owns or +2 growth if there is none
The tribe where the station is gains: +5 progress on a random tech of the owner of the station or +1 growth if there is none
DC 20 station is created get bonus next turn
DC 60 get bonus this turn.
cost: 1 current transportation
[task] internal trade
Spend time moving goods within the nation.
+2 growth +1 wealth
[task] Seek union
Try to convince another tribe to join ours.
DC is 100-(relations * (our culture in their tribe/ their main culture)
For the children of the river this was: 100 - (96 * (9/17) = 49
only allowed if the DC is 80 or lower.
less then 30: action can not be retried for 2 turns
DC 30: get new actions to join the tribes.
DC 49: the children of the river will ask our master artisans for advice and gain more information about them
DC 60: +5 relations
[task] Give gifts
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, swamp dwellers, southern forest tribes ,Deer hunters, big island tribe.
Sends out gifts to influence other tribes
Up to 5 additional current crafting can be consumed to get a +20 bonus per current crafting.
Up to 5 growth can be consumed to get a +5 bonus per growth.
current learning can be spend to give techs, one is needed per tech and gives +2 culture +10 relations per tech
DC 50: +1 culture,
DC 70: +5 relation boost
DC 80: +2 culture
DC 95: +10 relation boost
DC 120: +3 culture
DC 150: +15 relation boost
cost 1 current transportation, 1 current crafting
[task] Send advisors
Our tribe is well known for the skills of our leaders, artisans and farmers we can send a small group to the other tribes to advice them.
The other tribe gets the advisors status giving them +30 to all rolls to trade or study task that we have completed
We get +10 on all diplomatic and trade rolls with that tribe and increased rewards for all 80+ rolls with that tribe
We also get a +20 relations boost and get to know their stats.
Cost: 0.1 base learning per tribe
[task] A House for the gods
Acts a center of the tribe and helps to keep it together.
Lowers the DC of the worship hero action by 5
Lowers the DC of the festival and gift giving action by 5
Unlocks culture, allowing tribes to merge.
progress 207/300
gain roll-20 progress each time this action is taken.
Cost: 2 current crafting, 1 current workers
[task] build harbor
Build a harbor to store and maintain the tribes boats
+1 more fishers allowed
target: None
[task] Build granary
The granaries of the state provide a stockpile against famine and a source of rewards for those working for the tribe
2 more granaries are needed for +1 cohesion
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 growth per turn, 5 growth
DC 20 granary constructed
[task] Gather plants(max 2 more)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn
[task] Tend Orchards max 3 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Provides food from Orchards.
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn
[task] More Farmers (max 2 more)
Sow and harvest food.
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +1 max plow tasks
[task] More plows for farmers 2/6
Additional plows
cost: -1 bronze, -1 current crafters -0,1 base crafters
+1 growth per turn
[task] More bison for farmers 1/2
+1 growth per turn
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Clear forest (max twice more)
-1 max hunting task, +2 max Farming tasks.
DC 20
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Primitive irrigation 3/4
Improved irrigation allows more land to be farmed.
+1 max farmers
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Fishing (max 3 more )
Fish in the great river of the forest
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn
[task] More fishing boats
+1 growth per turn
cost 1 transportation(river)
[task] Hunting(max 2 more)
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +1 max trap line
[task] Herding (Bison)(shares max uses with hunting)
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +0.5 base transportation(land)
[task] Build trap line(max 1 per group of hunters)
Creates a line of traps increasing the amount of food collected by hunters.
+1 growth per turn
Cost 1 current crafters
All research projects advance each year at the rate of 5* current learning
[task] Experimentation
Have the crafters work on trying out what new ideas are possible.
Gives +1 current learning
Cost 1 current crafters
[task] Expand education
Spend less time on producing food and teach the use of our tally system to a larger part of our tribe.
Gain 0,1 base learning
cost: 1 growth per turn
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100+10)
cost: 1 current learning
- longbows 20/100
+5 to ranged attacks, can only be used by warriors and hunter militia's
- Land reform 5/100
Gives new options for land management
- Cuneiform writing 5/200
Expand the tallies with new icons so stories can be written down
+1 cohesion
- Herding dogs 35/100
new growth boosting task for herding.
- Scouting dogs 5/100
We already have and use dogs for hunting but further training can help with tracking orcs and other enemies of the tribe
Get a +5 bonus on scouting dogs
- Improved spears 51/100
With the creation of dedicated smiths and Green Rock expanding into a full settlement there are plans for improving the design of our spearhead.
The bonus of bronze tipped spears becomes +20 and copper tipped spears +14 existing spears get upgraded to this next standard.
- Bronze short swords 5/100
Improved metalworking has lead to larger daggers to the point they are becoming a new weapon short swords that can serve as a backup and where there is not enough room to use a spear.
Requires a group to be trained into smiths.
Gives a +5 bonus to melee combat that stacks with spears
- The wheel: Done
The adaptation of the wheel is one of the great jumps forward made possible by the creation of roads and the domestication of Bison.
Gives the internal trade task(giving +2 growth and +1 cohesion).
Gives the build wagons task giving transportation(land).
- Specialized warriors 5/100
Now we have more warriors we can start specializing them.
Unlocks archers, heavy infantry and skirmishers.
heavy infantry(+10 melee attacks,+20 defense and no ranged attacks)
archers(+20 ranged attacks,-10 defense and melee attacks)
skirmishers(attacks twice in the first ranged combat round, more likely to be attacked during ranged combat, +5 to all maneuver rolls)
- Warrior halls 50/100
In these halls the warriors live and train.
Provides a single group of warriors with a +5 bonus to all non combat rolls(like study)
- The orcs 15/100
After several fights with the orcs we can gather what we know about them to get a better idea about them.
[rapids] Carry the boats overland
[Firal] Send a expedition to learn the Firal language
My current thoughts. I think I also want to complete the Elders' Quest, because it looks like if we Send Advisors to someone, we then gain +1 Current Learning, which offsets the Learning cost of the Firal.
[X][rapids] Carry the boats overland
[X][Firal] Send a expedition to learn the Firal language
[X][task] send advisors [islanders]
[X][task] train crafters
[X][task] expand education
[X][task] Herding (Bison)(shares max uses with hunting)
So these tasks complete two quests (farmers and crafters), and as Pyro Hawk pointed out, sending advisors offsets the learning cost of the expedition to the Firal. The expand education is to offset the reduction in base learning from sending advisors.
[X][rapids] Carry the boats overland
[X][Firal] Send a expedition to learn the Firal language
[X][task] send advisors [islanders]
[X][task] train crafters
[X][task] A House for the gods
[X][task] Herding (Bison)(shares max uses with hunting)
yeah, I like your plan, but we are already at 207/300 on the House of the Gods, and I'd like to get that finished as soon as we can. We do get less base learning that way, which is kinda sucky, but I think the trade off is worth it. Though, if you want to get more base learning, I'd suggest getting writing worked at. Since its a new tech, that potentially unlocks a further tech later, and it gives +.2 base learning for studying it.
[X][rapids] Carry the boats overland
[X][Firal] Send a expedition to learn the Firal language
[X][task] send advisors [islanders]
[X][task] train crafters
[X][task] A House for the gods
[X][task] Herding (Bison)(shares max uses with hunting)
Trade station(Big island(both) bonus: +15 warrior halls at 65/100
Trade station(Deer hunters(ours) bonus: +2 growth
Trade station(Bison hill(ours): +15 longbows at 35/100
A trading expedition: 85(lake), 4(waterfall)
A House for the gods: 49 : +29 -2 current crafting, -1 current workers
train crafters 70: +0.5 base crafting -1 base workers
trend orchards 91: +1 growth per turn
warriors craft spears: 96: 3 made, +30 improved spears
bison herders 71: -1 base workers +1 growth per turn
Robin: more plows 90: plows without the 0.1 base crafting cost.
Bison: produce tools 97: +2 base crafting , +0,5 base crafting
farming 100: +1 growth per turn, farming hero.
advisors: 72: islanders welcome them.
current learning is 1: +5 all study projects
50 growth +1 base workers, -50 growth -2 growth per turn
palisades: Old town, Flint, Riverbend
Stone walls: Rivermeet
Longhouses: all settlements
Towns: Riverbend and Rivermeet
stability roll = 57, Stability: very High
+04 base
+01 abstract tally
+02 Master artisans
+02 Warrior nobles
-21 settlements(3x7)
-01 outpost
+08 Trail markers
+01 Patrol lands
+04 Palace
+02 Filled Granaries
+01 for having a hero
+00 per admin hero(+2 each)
Tribes Status:
Stability: very High.
Growth +11 10/50
5 bronze, +1 per turn
Wealth: 0, +0 per turn
Cohesion: +4
Bison(age 50): +10 to all metalworking tasks rolls
Raven(age 80): +10 to all metalworking tasks and +10 to all farming tasks rolls
new Hero(age 20): +10 to all farming tasks rolls
A group of traders has traveled to the Firal trying to learn their language and set up trading relations. This proved to be harder then expected as the Firal tongue included a large amount of words that all sounded the same to humans, some beyond human hearing and the Firal could not pronounce several human words. Despite these issues the traders lived among the Firal and learned more about them, from the fact that they ate mostly meat and fish and in a sprint nobody can keep up with a Firal. Most of the trade with the Firal so far has been food for the great river expedition in exchange for tools and weapons and a handful of their hunters joined the great river expedition. During this trip from the mix of words both groups could understand a new language was created that both could understand.
After resupplying at Riverbend the expedition started to row down the river till they reached the rapids where the boats where hauled over the shore and arrived at the Firal camp where the traders where they rested, repaired the boats and resupplied. Once the boats where ready they started to explore the good new was that there where no more rapids and the lands where inhabited by more Firal on both sides of the river the next day the river got a lot wider and shortly afterwards they arrived at a major lake that took an entire day to cross containing several islands.
Talking to the Firal hunters that joined the expedition about the islands produced little information as they considered them lacking the large game they liked to hunt so the captain in charge of the expedition stopped at the largest of the islands. The island was to small for a group living of hunting to survive on and without boats to far for the Firal visit but for a farming settlement it was big enough if it also included several of the nearby islands.
[New settlement site: Big lake islands]
Beyond the lake the river narrowed once more and they heard a sound that reminded the of the rapids but far louder and after stopping the boats on the riverbank they walked to find out what was causing the sound. The source of the sound amazed all that saw it the land had fallen away causing a cliff as high as two men and the largest waterfall ever encountered by our nation. lacking a good route to get around the waterfall the expedition decided to return home as they feared that they could not get their boats back up the cliff on the way back if they tried to explore more of the river.
With the expedition blocked by the waterfall the expedition was disbanded but their final action was:
[expedition] Create a trading post at the rapids
Creates a trading post with the Firal giving +2 growth per turn
[expedition] Created a settlement at the largest island in the lake.
With help from the rest of the tribe a settlement can be created at the largest island in the lake
cost: 1 current crafting
[expedition] Started to trade on the great river
+1 base transportation(river)
Bison has moved to stonemeet to help produce the tools needed for the work on the House of the gods. He did not produce these tools himself but spend most of his time training others how to make the specialized tools needed for the project as few in the tribe knew how to make those. He talked with several of the experienced crafters to develop a way to better spread the needed skills.
Raven traveled trough the northern settlements teaching the farmers how to use, maintain and build plows. She also brought bison to help pull the plows. A new farming hero was born who after spending several years learning from Raven was put in charge of the next major project of the tribe.
[+3 growth per turn, +3 growth, +2 current crafting, study project apprentices]
[new hero] Finish the house for the gods
The construction of the house of the gods seems to be going on as long as anyone can remember maybe its time to send a hero to complete it.
[new hero] Become the chief of the new settlement at the lake
Sends the hero to the lake where she will help with creating and expanding the new settlement
[new hero] Develop writing
As the tribe grows it becomes harder to manage, developing writing will help with that.
[new hero] write in goal
write in a goal should be something doable in 4 to 10 actions(the other heroes will help)
[new hero name] Write in a name for the new farming hero
The nobles report that the orcs have become more active and there have been several small raids near Green rock. Losses so far have been light as the fighting took place in an area where few lived but there are worries that these raids are only the first and in response the nobles ordered the creation of a bronze spears for our militia to boost our defenses. This lead to more crafters working on bronze spears leading to new ideas of how to improve our spears.
[-1 growth, 3 groups of hunter militia are now armed with bronze tipped spears +20 to improved spears]
name: current quest, reward for completing quest / penalty for failing quest
Farmers: train more farmers, new farming study project / -
Crafters: build a workshop / +20 to study apprentices
Warriors: train a group specialized warriors, +30 to a related study project / -
Traders: trade internal, study markets unlocked / -
Elders: send advisors +1 current learning / -
Leaders: study cuneiform writing +0.2 base learning / -
Faction actions/special bonuses:
Warrior faction takes one action after the players
The advisors that we send to the islanders where welcomed and arrived as the palace was completed and their next goal is to integrate the swamp dwellers. They have far more contact with the swamp dwellers then we do and told us that a fishing hero is expanding their fishing fleet. Work on the palace continues at the Bison Hill tribe but saw several setbacks delaying the project once more. The deer hunters are also working on a palace but progress is slow.
Tribes Status:
Stability: below average
Growth +6 18/50
0 bronze, +0 per turn
Wealth: 0, +0 per turn
Cohesion: +4
Workers 2/4
Crafters 2/2,5
Learning 1/1
transportation(land) 1/1
transportation(river) 3/3
Fighters: 2x warriors(stone spears/bows), 2x hunter militia(stone spears/bows)
Actions 4:
Gift giving(swamp dwellers(2 current crafting, 3 growth)
Trade with the nation of heroes(warrior halls for dedicated leaders)
train crafters
Maintain camp
Swamp dwellers(+40)
Fights orcs supported by the islanders(big island tribe).
Lacks: most modern tech imports the small amount of advanced tools they use.
Has: Warriors and control over a lot of swamp
Southern forest Tribes(+20)
The name for all of the minor tribes living to the south of the great river.
Lacks: permanent settlements
Has: bands of hunter gatherers.
The tribe can do 4 tasks each turn, negative events happen if stats go below 0.
[task] conquest
Take control of the lands surrounding the tribe
All groups send get -5 on their roll as they stay in the conquered area to control it.
there is a additional penalty of -5 per 25% losses taken in the battle.
Each time this task is taken more groups join(max 3 per time this action is taken).
results in a battle.
Southern riverbank: the land along the great river under orcish control
The warriors think there are about 12 groups of orcs and 3 of those are warriors.
Cost: 1 current transportation to supply them
[task] Raid
When raiding the tribe enters a area fights and returns home afterwards.
Each time this task is taken more groups join the raid
Write in the groups you want to send(max 3 per time this action is taken)
Targets: none
Cost: 1 current transportation to supply them
[task] Craft bronze spears for the militia
DC 20: one group gets bronze spears
DC 50: two groups gets bronze spears
DC 70: one groups gets bronze spears
Cost: 1 current crafters, 1 bronze
[task] Train warriors
Trains a new group of warriors armed with bronze tipped spears and bows.
Cost: 1 base workers, 1 current crafters, 1 bronze
[task] Expand militia
Trains a new group of militia armed with stone tipped spears and bows
Cost: 1 growth per turn, 0,5 current crafters
[task] Patrol lands(max one per three settlements)
+1 cohesion this turn
Sets up additional patrols to guard our lands.
Cost: none
[task] Build palisade
All camps have a palisade
DC 10 palisade bonus next turn DC 50 bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] stone walls
target: any
DC 20 wall bonus next turn DC 70 bonus this turn.
gives a +20 bonus if the settlement is the target of a raid.
+5 from axes
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 current crafters
[task] Mine copper
get 1 bronze at DC 30, 2 bronze at DC 55, 3 bronze at DC 70
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] Expand mines
+1 bronze per turn
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 base workers
[task] Produce tools
use workers to produce tools.
+2 current crafters
Cost: 1 current workers
[task] Train crafters
Cost: 1 base workers
gives +0.5 base crafters, 1 more max build workshops
[task] build Workshops(4 of 5 build)
Dedicated places for our artisans or potters to work
gives +0.5 base crafters
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] build Boats
Build boats
gives +0.5 base transportation(river)
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] build wagons
Build boats
gives +0.5 base transportation(land)
Cost: 1 current crafters
[task] Choose Dedicated leaders
Turns a group into dedicated leaders
+2 cohesion, -1 base workers, -0,2 base crafters to supply them
there are several kind of leaders and depending on the culture of the tribe one or more can be chosen.
If there are more then one type of dedicated leaders and there are more actions then the tribes rulers can control the leaders will form a faction taking over control of that action.
Warrior Nobles
Warrior Nobles spend their time ruling the tribe and lead in battle.
They fight as well as warriors but will take of artisan actions to make sure they have the best weapons the tribe can make.
For each group of warriors a tribe has it can have a group of warrior nobles.
Hunter Nobles
Spend their time hunting and produce 2 food per turn but you can have one less hunting action.
Master Artisans
+0,2 base crafters, +0,1 base learning
You can have one group of Master Artisans per 2 groups of artisans a tribe has.
Give a bonus related to the tribes religion
Requires a house of the gods or locked worship gods action
+0,2 base learning
[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
Can be taken once per three turns.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes
[task] scout[target]
Write in target based on the map
DC 30 to 50 depending on the site
If resources are not found the DC is reduced by roll/2.
[task] Create outpost
valid locations: None
Creates a outpost to claim a settlement site for the tribe
Each outpost reduces cohesion by one.
Allows the tribe to use resources in an area
DC 10: success.
cost 1 current workers
[task] Collect more grain from farmers
Increase the amount of grain collected from farmers
-5 growth per turn, +1 wealth per turn
[task] Create new settlement[location]
valid locations:
the lake(+3 max fishers, +1 max farmers)
Heroes Rest(+1 max fishers, +1 max farmers, +1 max hunters)
Each settlement created increase the maximum farming and hunting actions by one.
Each settlement reduces cohesion by three.
DC 10: settlement is created
DC 30: camp is created with simple shelters
DC 70: camp is created with longhouses
cost 1 base transportation, 2 current workers, 2 current crafters
[task] Expand settlement into town
valid locations: none
Gain +2 growth per turn, new building allowed
cost 1 base transportation, 1 current workers, 1 current crafters
[task] Construct Longhouses
max once per settlement
Valid targets: none
+1 growth per turn
cost 1 current workers
[task] Trail markers(max = number of settlements +1)
With trade between the camps on the rise a network of trail markers would allow easier travel.
DC 30: Trail markers provide bonus next turn DC 80: bonus this turn.
Each trailmarker improves cohesion by 1.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes
cost 1 current workers
[task] Create roads at 250/250
The first roads are created by clearing a path wide enough for a travois and removing all obstacles like fallen trees from it.
It also includes log bridges to cross streams and prepared campsites for travelers.
progress needed: 50 points per settlement and outpost.
+1 transportation(land) per settlement or outpost connected.
cost 1 current workers, 0,5 current crafters
[task] worship Heroes
Seek the favor of the divine.
DC 35 get +5 and DC 80 get +10 on all other task rolls
[task] Festival
Holds a festival showing of the tribes values.
DC 30: +1 culture,
DC 60: +2 culture
DC 90: +3 culture
[task] Connect tribes [write in target]
Improves relations(+10) and trade with other tribes by creating improved connections using roads and canoes.
Both tribes will get +5 more on a study project from trade stations.
Possible targets:
Deer hunters: 1 current workers, 0/100 for road connection
Big island: 1 base transportation(river) always successful.
[task] Trade
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, children of the river, Hill hunters, big island tribe.
Collect teachers, create tools and prepare food to trade to the target.
+1 growth if trading with bison hill from having roads and bison pulled travios.
write in to target specific tribes/thing to trade
When trading techs both gain 1d100 on the tech, if one side does not have tech the other gets +2 culture instead.
DC 15: trade successful. 2 growth/1 tools
DC 50 gain 3 growth/2 tools
DC 65: gain one culture at the group you are trading with.
DC 80 gain 5 growth/3 tools.
DC 90: +5 relation boost
cost: 1 current transportation
[task] Trading station
Sends a small group of traders to live among a nearby tribe to collect goods to trade back home.
The owner gains +10 progress on a random tech the target owns or +2 growth if there is none
The tribe where the station is gains: +5 progress on a random tech of the owner of the station or +1 growth if there is none
DC 20 station is created get bonus next turn
DC 60 get bonus this turn.
cost: 1 current transportation
[task] internal trade
Spend time moving goods within the nation.
+2 growth +1 wealth
[task] Seek union
Try to convince another tribe to join ours.
DC is 100-(relations * (our culture in their tribe/ their main culture)
For the children of the river this was: 100 - (96 * (9/17) = 49
only allowed if the DC is 80 or lower.
less then 30: action can not be retried for 2 turns
DC 30: get new actions to join the tribes.
DC 49: the children of the river will ask our master artisans for advice and gain more information about them
DC 60: +5 relations
[task] Give gifts
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, swamp dwellers, southern forest tribes ,Deer hunters, big island tribe.
Sends out gifts to influence other tribes
Up to 5 additional current crafting can be consumed to get a +20 bonus per current crafting.
Up to 5 growth can be consumed to get a +5 bonus per growth.
current learning can be spend to give techs, one is needed per tech and gives +2 culture +10 relations per tech
DC 50: +1 culture,
DC 70: +5 relation boost
DC 80: +2 culture
DC 95: +10 relation boost
DC 120: +3 culture
DC 150: +15 relation boost
cost 1 current transportation, 1 current crafting
[task] Send advisors
Our tribe is well known for the skills of our leaders, artisans and farmers we can send a small group to the other tribes to advice them.
The other tribe gets the advisors status giving them +30 to all rolls to trade or study task that we have completed
We get +10 on all diplomatic and trade rolls with that tribe and increased rewards for all 80+ rolls with that tribe
We also get a +20 relations boost and get to know their stats.
Cost: 0.1 base learning per tribe
[task] A House for the gods
Acts a center of the tribe and helps to keep it together.
Lowers the DC of the worship hero action by 5
Lowers the DC of the festival and gift giving action by 5
Unlocks culture, allowing tribes to merge.
progress 236/300
gain roll-20 progress each time this action is taken.
Cost: 2 current crafting, 1 current workers
[task] build harbor
Build a harbor to store and maintain the tribes boats
+1 more fishers allowed
Cost: 1 current crafters
target: None
[task] Build granary
The granaries of the state provide a stockpile against famine and a source of rewards for those working for the tribe
2 more granaries are needed for +1 cohesion
Cost: 1 current workers, 1 growth per turn, 5 growth
DC 20 granary constructed
[task] Gather plants(max 2 more)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn
[task] Tend Orchards max 3 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Provides food from Orchards.
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn
[task] More Farmers (max 2 more)
Sow and harvest food.
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +1 max plow tasks
[task] More plows for farmers 3/6
Additional plows
cost: -1 bronze, -1 current crafters -0,1 base crafters
+1 growth per turn
[task] More bison for farmers 2/2
+1 growth per turn
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Clear forest (max twice more)
-1 max hunting task, +2 max Farming tasks.
DC 20
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Primitive irrigation 3/4
Improved irrigation allows more land to be farmed.
+1 max farmers
Cost 1 current workers
[task] Fishing (max 3 more )
Fish in the great river of the forest
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn
[task] More fishing boats
+1 growth per turn
cost 1 transportation(river)
[task] Hunting(max 2 more)
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +1 max trap line
[task] Herding (Bison)(shares max uses with hunting)
Cost 1 base workers
+2 growth per turn, +0.5 base transportation(land)
[task] Build trap line(max 1 per group of hunters)
Creates a line of traps increasing the amount of food collected by hunters.
+1 growth per turn
Cost 1 current crafters
All research projects advance each year at the rate of 5* current learning
[task] Experimentation
Have the crafters work on trying out what new ideas are possible.
Gives +1 current learning
Cost 1 current crafters
[task] Expand education
Spend less time on producing food and teach the use of our tally system to a larger part of our tribe.
Gain 0,1 base learning
cost: 1 growth per turn
[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100+10)
cost: 1 current learning
- longbows 40/100
+5 to ranged attacks, can only be used by warriors and hunter militia's
- Land reform 10/100
Gives new options for land management
- Cuneiform writing 10/200
Expand the tallies with new icons so stories can be written down
+1 cohesion
- Herding dogs 40/100
new growth boosting task for herding.
- Scouting dogs 10/100
We already have and use dogs for hunting but further training can help with tracking orcs and other enemies of the tribe
Get a +5 bonus on scouting dogs
- Improved spears 76/100
With the creation of dedicated smiths and Green Rock expanding into a full settlement there are plans for improving the design of our spearhead.
The bonus of bronze tipped spears becomes +20 and copper tipped spears +14 existing spears get upgraded to this next standard.
- Bronze short swords 10/100
Improved metalworking has lead to larger daggers to the point they are becoming a new weapon short swords that can serve as a backup and where there is not enough room to use a spear.
Requires a group to be trained into smiths.
Gives a +5 bonus to melee combat that stacks with spears
- Specialized warriors 10/100
Now we have more warriors we can start specializing them.
Unlocks archers, heavy infantry and skirmishers.
heavy infantry(+10 melee attacks,+20 defense and no ranged attacks)
archers(+20 ranged attacks,-10 defense and melee attacks)
skirmishers(attacks twice in the first ranged combat round, more likely to be attacked during ranged combat, +5 to all maneuver rolls)
- Warrior halls 70/100
In these halls the warriors live and train.
Provides a single group of warriors with a +5 bonus to all non combat rolls(like study)
- The orcs 20/100
After several fights with the orcs we can gather what we know about them to get a better idea about them.
- Apprentices 5/100
Create a formal system for learning more complex skills.
gain 0.2 base learning
train crafters gives 0.1 more base crafting
[X][expedition] Created a settlement at the largest island in the lake.
[X][new hero] Develop writing
[X][task] build Workshops(4 of 5 build)
[X][task] A House for the gods
[X][task] stone walls[green rock]
[X][task] Produce tools
My rationale here is that using the expedition to make a settlement is cheap (and we can afford the cohesion loss), we should aim for writing to get back cohesion, we should continue building the house for the gods, and building walls at green rock is to defend against orc raids. The tools are to pay for the crafter costs of all the other actions.
[X][expedition] Created a settlement at the largest island in the lake.
[X][new hero] Develop writing
[X][task] build Workshops(4 of 5 build)
[X][task] A House for the gods
[X][task] stone walls[green rock]
[X][task] Produce tools