Dreams of Imperial Glory (Avatar: TLA Quest)

[X] Go find Master Sui

The old man is clearly more aware than he lets on. If we could tell this, he might be impressed if we show it to him. He is also clearly making an act in front of the Earth Queen rather than actually trying.
As for the matter of Kuei, he was basically a figurehead. Instead of Long Feng, we can be the real power behind the throne.
[X] Go exercise

One hundred push-ups. One hundred sit-ups. One hundred squats. Ten kilometers run. Every. Single. Day.
When prince Iroh's army come to besiege Ba Sing Se, Zhang-Li will blow them all away with just one punch.
[X] Go find Master Sui

We can't afford to go exercise and get dirty atm, considering our Parents.

It's also a bit early to go out.

How many turns would we have before the event? We do need the exercise in order to make it through a long beding day, but how much hurry is there?
I say go see maser sui. It would be good to see what he thinks of our bending without our mother there as a sword of Damocles.

Let's also hope we can convince him to have some strict "no bullshit" sessions.
Adhoc vote count started by rdc30 on Jan 12, 2019 at 10:18 AM, finished with 34 posts and 15 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by rdc30 on Jan 12, 2019 at 10:19 AM, finished with 34 posts and 15 votes.
A lot of people voting towards a bad end already I see you and... not liking the implied goals of those votes. Thankfully seeing master Sui will probably win.

[X] Go to the library
You have basically read everything related to earthbending you can find in the library, but you can always learn more about other topics.
-[X] Study about the court, the merchant houses and all that its probably relevant to the current political situation, things are tense and you need to know who else you can trust, beyond your mother and father.

First Lili is TIRED and SORE, she needs to rest.
Second there ARE A LOT of risk for her if leaves the Palace because of the unstable political situation.
Third we have never left the palace on our own and Ba Sing Se is fuck huge, its the perfect setup to get Lili kidnapped.
Fourth EVEN IF NOTHING HAPPENS, we will be up SHIT CREEK with the queen and the king.

In short, please stop being idiots.
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You leave the palace relatively frequently compared to Kuei, who has never left the palace his entire life, but you mainly stay in the Upper Ring and occasionally the Middle Ring to go to the University. You only do it once or twice a month, though, and you typically go with a dozen attendants and bodyguards, more in the Middle Ring, of course.
You leave the palace relatively frequently compared to Kuei, who has never left the palace his entire life, but you mainly stay in the Upper Ring and occasionally the Middle Ring to go to the University. You only do it once or twice a month, though, and you typically go with a dozen attendants and bodyguards, more in the Middle Ring, of course.

Still suicidally bad votes there, less than what I initially expected, but still kinda bad considering you hadn't clarified this yet, and the circumstances would be obviously different now with the court in chaos.