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In 2001 a real-world exercise tested the emergency response to a bioterror attack on the...
In 2001 a real-world exercise tested the emergency response to a bioterror attack on the Continental United States. The operation was called Dark Winter, and it quickly spiraled out of control. It predicted an immediate breakdown in essential institutions, civil disorder...and massive civilian casualties.

Our world has become so complex that we no longer understand how to control, and the more complex that world gets, the more fragile it has become. Our lifestyle, our safety, our security, everything, depends on a delicate web of infrastructure that gets everything where it needs to go just in the nick of time. We've created a
powderkeg, and one spark will set the whole structure ablaze.
- Tom Clancy's The Division

Just over a month ago, that spark came.

Manhattan is burning.

It has been a month and a half since the emergence of a deadly, previously unknown strain of smallpox, thought to have appeared shortly after Black Friday. Commonly referred to as "green poison", the disease has spread faster and more effectively than anyone could have predicted. In response to growing chaos in New York City as hospitals and clinics were overwhelmed with patients, the United States Government and the Catastrophic Emergency Response Agency (CERA) moved to restore order. Large parts of New York were evacuated as CERA established treatment facilities and searched for a cure.

They didn't find one.

With the collapse of any viable alternative, all that remains is Presidential Directive 51. The plan to cope with a real Dark Winter.

The Strategic Homeland Division has been activated.​


Agent if you are reading this message then all other catastrophic response measures have been exhausted and your activation protocols are in effect.

In accordance with Presidential Directive 51 you are hereby authorized to take any and all measures to ensure the stability and continuity of local government. Please proceed to your pre-arranged rally point and await further orders from Strategic Homeland Division Command.

Your duty is to save what remains.

Godspeed Agent
0.1 - Brooklyn
Brooklyn had seen better days.

No, scratch that, Brooklyn looked like shit.

Trash lined the streets, the windows of a once vibrant street now boarded up, and most importantly there was a dead body lying in the snow in front of you. You bent down to check, but given the pool of black slush at your feet and the brown streaks on the car door next to you, you weren't shocked when your fingers only found an icy corpse. Poor bastard must have gotten jumped when he was getting out of his car.

You looked around warily, MP5 resting easily at your side, but all you could hear was the faint sound of wind whistling between the buildings. Judging by the age of the body, whoever did this was long gone, but it never hurt to be wary. Your drill instructor had slammed that lesson into your head along with so many others. Even if the AI, ISAC, implanted in your head and your equipment was supposedly watching over your shoulder like a guardian angel.

You knew it was bad when you got the activation, you wouldn't have gotten activated if it wasn't, but the JTF had at least managed to keep bodies off the streets until now.

You kicked the door shut, and it locked with a soft click, the glass of the window miraculously still intact unlike every other car on this block. Briefly, you caught a glimpse of your own face in the reflection, beneath your layers of clothing to keep out the biting wind.

You are:

[ ] Alexandria Wu
Place of Birth:
New Haven, CT
Age: 27
Blood Type: O+
Former Occupation: Firefighter
Religion: Agnostic
Psychological Profile:
- Mother died in a DUI incident during childhood. Attended Trinity College on a soccer scholarship.
- Enlisted in United States Army directly out of college, entered and completed Ranger School and received Silver Star for exceptional bravery under fire during her tour in Iran.
- Faced significant difficulty readjusting to civilian life after deployment, including three separate attempts at attending VA Counseling facilities.
- Only began to improve after family friend introduced her to an employment opportunity at FDNY
- Extremely competitive and out-going, but displays noted tendencies towards self-sacrifice and recklessness

NOTE FOR COMMANDER: Potential issues include tendency to run into burning buildings on reflex, creating their own refugee camp without coordinating with their Division commander, temporarily adopting dozens of orphans, then burning out within a week. Keep agent in a squad to tame their most altruistic instincts.

[ ] Jessica Kent
Place of Birth:
Queens, NYC, New York
Age: 33
Blood Type: AB-
Former Occupation: U.S Attorney, Southern District of New York
Religion: Catholic
Psychological Profile:
- Thrives on pressure. The more difficult the situation, the more committed she is to solving it.
- Graduated 4th overall in her class from Yale Law School, 6 years experience as a federal prosecutor, her highest-profile case was exposing several wall street firms for insider trading and securities fraud.
- Personally extremely straight-laced, and has a strong, highly black and white view of morality. Argued for an above-average severity in sentencing compared to her peers at the District Attorneys Office
- Married once, now divorced, has not spoken to her ex-husband in four years.

NOTE FOR COMMANDER: Do not under any circumstances allow Division agent to gain access to or consume media from the Judge Dredd franchise. This is a class-1 priority as exposure to Dredd may divert agent from primary mission. Quarantine from such media has been a high effort mission coordinated directly by SHD command.

[ ] Guinevere 'Vi' Perry
Place of Birth: Trenton, NJ
Blood Type: A+
Former Occupation: Attending Physician, Bellevue Hospital Center
Religion: Atheist
Psychological Profile:
- Grew up in broken home with physically abusive father and emotionally distant mother
- Earned her medical degree at New York University Langone on a full academic scholarship
- Despite caustic personality and overly pessimistic worldview, displays an above-average degree of empathy for patient concerns
- Unwillingness to play office politics and concern for patient welfare over all other concerns has placed her in conflict with hospital management on several occassions and delayed career advancement significantly

NOTE FOR COMMANDER: Do not under any circumstances allow the agent to begin one of her extended rants on the short-comings (real or imagined) of her colleagues. They waste precious time during field operations. Accept agent insults as expression of acceptance of orders.

[ ] Sophia James
Place of Birth: Albany, NY
Blood Type: B-
Former Occupation: Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
Religion: Protestant
Psychological Profile:
- Graduate of Private School -> Ivy League Pipeline, involved in the operation of numerous battered women's shelters in the greater NYC area
- Proficient in jiu-jitsu and has a semi-professional habit of running marathons, physical condition upon activation will not be a concern
- Careful and methodical personality type, highly skilled in organizational and bureaucratic tasks
- Fluent in Five Languages

NOTE FOR COMMANDER: Division agent cannot be allowed within organizational range of a filing cabinet. Will be distracted from primary mission, filing cabinet contents will be compromised, color-coded, and alphabetized. When agent is in such a state, do not in any circumstances attempt to distract or otherwise impair agent. It is not an advisable course of action for the health of the intervener.

Hello all, welcome to Desperate Measures. A Quest I am running together with @Cetashwayo set in the universe of The Division, where you take the role of a Division agent heading into the ruins of Manhattan to aid in restoring order. Though I should have warn you we have made some significant alterations to game canon.
By the way, significant familiarity with the lore of The Division is not really required. The game wasted a lot of potential and so we will be adapting things significantly and explaining concepts from the game where they wouldn't be obvious to the voter.
[X] Guinevere 'Vi' Perry

Medical backroubac and the personality profile given appeal to me, so yay. :V
[X] Sophia James

Most likely to be a black woman and with the lack of a Hispanic option, I would rather play her than yet another Asian/White woman.
[X] Alexandria Wu

Honestly the only one with the type of background I'd expect for this kind of position. Like, really the only one.

Given the notes attached to the profiles, is this going to be fairly serious or more lighthearted and joking in tone? Just so I know what to expect.

(I know basically nothing about the Division)
[X] Alexandria Wu

Honestly the only one with the type of background I'd expect for this kind of position. Like, really the only one.

Given the notes attached to the profiles, is this going to be fairly serious or more lighthearted and joking in tone? Just so I know what to expect.

(I know basically nothing about the Division)

The Division is a fever dream created by the ghost of Tom Clancy. The basic concept is that there is an insane group of spec ops sleeper cells selected from the most insufferable Type A people in the country. They are trained to a level of ability only matched by spec ops and counterstrike pros.

The quest is going to be hybrid city builder/narrative as you help rebuild New York. Tone will range from serious to dark humor to more lighthearted moments.
If the details about the Division smallpox bioweapon outbreak aren't drastically toned down then really the setting is in the middle of an apocalypse. NYC would be like Tenochtitlan after the first smallpox epidemic but there are no Spaniards and Tlaxcaltec coming to end it. So what do you do in the midst of the breakdown of everything you know and love as part of the end of the world?

[X] Sophia James

Anyway we aren't curing the plague as PCs if the CDC failed at it, and we shouldn't need to do a lot of shooting people ourselves. At least at Tier 0 Operator level. Someone will have to pick up the shattered pieces of the world and for that organizational and people skills are highly recommended.
Adhoc vote count started by Crilltic on Jan 8, 2019 at 10:54 PM, finished with 24 posts and 17 votes.
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