Ba Sing Se, Upper Ring, Royal Palace, Private Training Ground – 71 AG
The first time you realized you were an earthbender was almost two years ago and it really says something that only now are you receiving the training to master your gift. At first, your parents had refused to believe you, right up until you levitated a massive boulder in the royal garden and nearly crushed some attendant whose name you never bothered to learn. Your parents had the poor girl and everyone else present at the time confined, but information still spread and, by the end of the month, the palace was ablaze with rumors that bending had returned to the royal family.
This created quite the dilemma for your parents, because they had planned to marry you off to some disgusting peasant bureaucrat, but your bending had thrown all their poorly thought out plans into jeopardy. If they refuse to acknowledge the rumors and attempt to suppress them, they would play right into the hands of their enemies and remind everyone that the earth and the heavens had both forsaken the royal family. On the other hand, if they choose to confirm your status as the first royal bender in generations, they would have to call off the marriage and greatly damage their relationship with the man they had been trying to align. After all, wasting such a historic opportunity on someone perceived to be unworthy could jump-start the war everyone knows is on the horizon.
You could practically sense the tension in the air of the royal palace as the days dragged on and your parents continue to do nothing. The sheer uncertainty was starting to get to members of your father's court and they were increasingly making their displeasure known. It did not take you long to realize that something as seemingly insignificant in the grant scheme of things as you possessing the ability to bend had thrown the entire political equation of the Earth Kingdom into disarray. Once trusted allies revealed their true colors and once hated enemies suddenly wanted to return to the good graces of the royal family.
The entire system was breaking apart and nobody knew who was friend or foe anymore. The crisis also could not have occurred at a more dangerous time, because the war against the Fire Nation still raged, even though the enemy offensive has ceased for the time being. Your marriage had been part of a desperate attempt by your parents to build political support and now it was backfiring in a spectacular way.
In the end, your parents had no choice except to call of the marriage and attempt to salvage some legitimacy by proclaiming you the Daughter of Heaven and Earth, who will restore the greatness of the Earth Kingdom. To mark this historic event and to distract the population from the disastrous handling of the war, your parents announced a massive month-long celebration in the capital and summoned emissaries from across the kingdom to celebrate the so-called 'restoration of the royal bloodline'.
Of course, such an event required you to actually know some basic earthbending techniques to parade in front of the gawkers like some circus amusement, which brings you here, to the newly refurbished royal training field.
"Lili, I would like to introduce you to Master Sui," mother announces with a graceful wave at the old man who was to be your instructor.
Your eyes narrow somewhat as you take a closer look at the person your parents apparently chose to teach you how to master your earthbending. The first thing you notice is that the man is the cane he uses to support his bunched over and decrepit frame. If the man noticed your skepticism, he does not show it as he shambles over with an overly friendly face on his wrinkled face.
"Welcome, your highnesses," he announces dramatically and makes a feeble attempt to bow. "Might I first say what an honor it is to teach the first royal earthbender since the Chao the Great!"
You roll your eyes while your mother politely laughs at the man's obvious bootlicking before she turns to you with strained smile.
"Master Sui was once head of the most prestigious earthbending school in the Upper Ring. He comes with the highest recommendations," Mother informs you in a subtly reforming tone as though she was trying to preempt your skepticism and avoid a scene.
"Indeed I was!" Master Sui proudly declares while attempting to puff out his chest and failing miserably. "Your Highness can rest easy knowing that your daughter will be safe under my care."
"Thank you, Master Sui," Mother replies calmly. "The Earth King and I want to make sure our daughter learns to control her gift."
It is subtle, but you easily notice her subtle emphasis on the word 'gift' and have to resist the urge the scoff. It never ceases to amaze you how quickly your parents dismiss your talents as nothing more than an obstacle to their own plans for your future.
"You and His Majesty can rest easy. I vow on my honor that no harm will come to your daughter on my watch," Master Sui immediately responds with a reassuring laugh.
Your mother does not appear particularly impressed or comfortable, but the old man does not seem to realize his behavior is not having the intended effect. Turning to you and leaning forward onto his cane so that your faces are level, you get your first close look at the man who is apparently going to be your teacher for the foreseeable future and to say that you are unimpressed would be an understatement.
"So, young lady," the old man greets you cheerfully. "Are you ready to start your training?"
Despite yourself, you cannot help but smile eagerly at the thought of finally learning the secrets of earthbending like the legendary heroes of the past. Perhaps you had misjudged your teacher, because, for once in your life, someone had was finally offering you something you actually deserved instead of telling you what you should pretend to desire.
Before you can reply, however, mother gasps in surprise.
"So soon?" She asks as she glances at you as though you might shatter like porcelain at any moment. "Are you sure she is ready for that?"
For an instant, both you and Sui look at your mother as though she had sprouted a second head, before the old man quickly recomposes himself.
"No, no, you misunderstand me, Your Highness," he quickly debases himself before your mother and throws away what little respect he earned from you moments ago. "At her age, I'll be focusing on breathing techniques and stances."
It takes all of your willpower not to simply turn around and leave right there and then. They always do this to you. They dangle something you want in front of your face, then snatch it away at the last second and tell you it is for your own good. You already taught yourself the breathing techniques and even the early forms yourself from old bending tomes in the royal library.
Do they think you moved that boulder by accident?
What you need is an actual teacher to help you master the more advanced techniques that the books cannot. The breathing techniques and stances are something you can work on yourself in your spare time.
You pause in your thoughts as you realize both Master Sui and your mother are looking at you.
"Lili, dear, what do you think?" Your mother asks you, much to your surprise.
Despite your previous frustration, you suddenly find yourself uncertain on how to proceed. The fact that you are a natural genius and bending prodigy might mean you were able to teach yourself the basics well enough, but maybe having someone else review your work and correct your mistakes would be more useful than rushing ahead. Besides, as much as you hate being pampered by your parents all the time, they do have a point that you have other responsibilities to attend to such as your education and the all-important socializing expected of the heir to the throne.
[ ] Insist you are ready for more advanced forms and techniques
[ ] Appease your parents and agree to focus more on the fundamentals for now
[ ] Demand longer and more thorough training in both the fundamentals and techniques
[ ] (Write-In)
AN: I thought about imposing a moratorium for an hour to get some discussion and write-ins, but I figured we could try without it for a bit to see how it goes.