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Hey Taylor! You get to save the World Again, this time in High Fantasy style!


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And hast thou slain the Jabberwocky?
Hey Taylor! You get to save the World Again, this time in High Fantasy style!


Welcome, Taylor Hebert, and all you hanger-ons, to the world of Eich. A high fantasy world where not everything is as you would expect. Yes, it is definitely a classical high fantasy world. Naturally, as a sucker chosen one flung into this world, you will have to work to save the world, for the Seven Trials will soon begin, and if it isn't stopped, the world will be torn asunder…uh...five? Five times over, and then some. This is, in fact, a bad thing. People will die you know!

Find your way around this ancient and magical land, complete with a boon granted for completing Worm, and do your best to save the world from:
  1. Internal Warfare (not purely between human empires, just mostly)
  2. The attack of the Elemental Gods (the four elements are representative of the building blocks of the universe. Fear the wrath and ambitions of middle management!)
  3. The Undead Apocalypse (spooky scary skeletons, hang corpses from your spine!)
  4. The attack of the Chaos Abyss (Demons. Also Devils.)
  5. An Invasion from the Underdark (evil elves, evil beastmen, evil dragons, humans, and much much more!)
  6. The Awakening of the Titans (these guys can kick gods around like soccer balls)
  7. Return of the Twin Creator Goddesses (...if you get this far you already lost)
Hmmm. One of those is not like the others. Oh well. Make sure to look out for allies, cause you sure as hell won't be able to do this alone!

This is an approximation of the stage 1 boss.

Anyhow, select your boon. If you have questions, just ask, I'm kind of new to this whole thing anyhow.

[X] Somehow my Generic Isekai Storyline put a Boat on the Rails and is Flying with the power of Puppy Angst

  • True reincarnation, and all that entails, with full memory. At the very least, you'll be able to train from birth, and the resources available to the royal family are nothing to sneeze at. Oh right! You're a Princess!
  • Begin with an ingrained [ Concept ] of Sacrifice, functioning as a nascent soul imprint and providing you with the special ability [ Blade of Oblation ]
  • Guaranteed trait [ Will of the Mist ] , massive willpower boost, ???
  • Heritage of ??? Inheritance.
  • Your birth is heralded by a shooting star! Doesn't that make you feel special?
  • Begin in the year 1883, in Sleuwier Kingdom of the Northland Territories.

[X] Chitter Fritter Ditter Skitter
  • Packaged with premade custom class: Astral Apostle. Blank slate magical class. Comes with the ability Mana Manipulation, allowing for direct control over elemenyal particles in a similar manner to natural spirits. Comes with the ability Divine Mimicry, allowing for the simulation of divine belief and the channelling of divine powers.Rebirthed from… well you'll see.
  • You will have a powerful ally right of the bat, guaranteed. As long as you can keep her happy with you, you should be safe initially.
  • QA has been converted into a spiritual familiar bound to your soul. That said, this has wiped it of most of its functions, and if you want them back you'll need to figure it out yourself.
  • Massive boost to mental stats from QA's capabilities. It also makes you really good at analysing physics, though the magical nature of this world does raise the difficulty of understanding the laws of the universe significantly.
  • QA can be used to manipulate spiritual particles, or, as they are referred to outside of shut in nerd Archmage circles, Mana and Natural Spirits. Magic will come naturally to you.
  • QA ???
  • Begin in the year 1888, in the Mage country Ardolante
[X] Copacetic
  • Fusion of the girl and the shard, with the former overwriting the latter
  • Begin with double diamond tier bloodline [ World Crystal ]
  • Basically you're a pseudo-endbringer...ish.
  • High resistance to spatial/temporal manipulation, immunity to the void between worlds.
  • Core and shell physiology, don't get hit in the heart. You'll shatter and die. Allows for regeneration as long as you have sufficient energy
  • You can eat basically anything, and it should be converted into energy. Do not test the limits of this by swallowing Gods or something.
  • You start at around half an Alexandria in terms of durability and strength, and steadily grow from there as you age. Do note that as a magical world, there are a plethora of conceptual abilities in play in the higher tiers, and the top tier could crush entities under the sheer weight of their bullshit. Do your best not to catch their attention before you're ready)
  • Begin in the Underground World's Sulfur Mountain City, in the year 1893
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[X] Somehow my Generic Isekai Storyline put a Boat on the Rails and is Flying with the power of Puppy Angst
[X] Chitter Fritter Ditter Skitter
apparently we're replacing someone in the first option who's more helpful than harmful according to people who know the world we're landing in. As such I don't want that option so that leaves options 2 and 3. 3 has the ability to recover energy by eating things, but it doesn't mention anything that would boost power growth, while the 2nd has mental boosts that should increase the rate at which we can grow in power.

also,I'm not that fond of the ideas of becoming an endbringer or replacing someone in the cradle
[X] Chitter Fritter Ditter Skitter
-[X] The Unlucky Side Protagonist's Gilded Fate Altering Middle Finger Management System

Yer a Wizard, Skitter.

Also, I accept the mystery box.
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[X] Chitter Fritter Ditter Skitter
-[X] The Unlucky Side Protagonist's Gilded Fate Altering Middle Finger Management System
[X] Somehow my Generic Isekai Storyline put a Boat on the Rails and is Flying with the power of Puppy Angst
I'm not 100% sure on the ally in op2, might be Amelia? Or possibly that bunch of dragons that Lust Cher had?
Wonder if Roland is still around.
Uh, I only remember two Mist Princesses in ELCL. Neither of them got particularly overpowered.
Guess I'll go with 2, then? Magic is always pretty good.
Not sure what the System is. Either we stole Roland's or maybe we only got a shard of her or something?
[X] Chitter Fritter Ditter Skitter
-[X] The Unlucky Side Protagonist's Gilded Fate Altering Middle Finger Management System
I'm not 100% sure on the ally in op2, might be Amelia? Or possibly that bunch of dragons that Lust Cher had?
Wonder if Roland is still around.
Uh, I only remember two Mist Princesses in ELCL. Neither of them got particularly overpowered.
Guess I'll go with 2, then? Magic is always pretty good.
Not sure what the System is. Either we stole Roland's or maybe we only got a shard of her or something?
[X] Chitter Fritter Ditter Skitter
-[X] Th1.e Unlucky Side Protagonist's Gilded Fate Altering Middle Finger Management System

1. Amelia. I'll say it right out.
2. You would be reincarnating as Glina, with... add ons.
3. The System presented here is distinct from both Goddesses.

Edit: happy to see a fellow reader here! I hope I can do the series justice.
1. Amelia. I'll say it right out.
2. You would be reincarnating as Glina, with... add ons.
3. The System presented here is distinct from both Goddesses.

Edit: happy to see a fellow reader here! I hope I can do the series justice.
Taylor isn't the same type of protagonist as Roland, so it definitely won't have the same tone, but keeping faithful to the setting - excepting shifts from canon - and keeping canon chars in character will probably be difficult.
Glina, huh. I remember she's the one who had a full mecha suit? She stopped being relevant after a while since she's not even close to semigod.
Well, hopefully ELCL revisits some less powered characters now that this arc is over.
Amelia is pretty eccentric, but backing is pretty useful for growing time, and archmages are stronger backing than a minor kingdom.
Taylor isn't the same type of protagonist as Roland, so it definitely won't have the same tone, but keeping faithful to the setting - excepting shifts from canon - and keeping canon chars in character will probably be difficult.
Glina, huh. I remember she's the one who had a full mecha suit? She stopped being relevant after a while since she's not even close to semigod.
Well, hopefully ELCL revisits some less powered characters now that this arc is over.
Amelia is pretty eccentric, but backing is pretty useful for growing time, and archmages are stronger backing than a minor kingdom.

We can hope to see what happens, and I believe Glina does have more roles to play if the spoiler threads are anything to go by. That said, I would be screwing up big time if I didn't butterfly up some divergences. Maybe I'll find a way to believably kill Beifeng.
[X] Somehow my Generic Isekai Storyline put a Boat on the Rails and is Flying with the power of Puppy Angst
Got rid of the System vote since most poeple did not see it. It will be moved to the next part of the prologue.
[X] Somehow my Generic Isekai Storyline put a Boat on the Rails and is Flying with the power of Puppy Angst

Taylor doesn't need any freebies. Give her sub-par assets and an impossible fight and she will be in her element. By the way, does true reincarnation mean to imply that she still has her bug powers and multitasking?
[X] Copacetic

Wow, I did not expect a cross with this fantasy setting. For those not in the know, those 7 calamities are super messed up and require cheating to even come close to beating while keeping the mortal species alive. Especially that last one, though I won't say more for fear of spoiling anything.
