The Shard-Touched (Worm/Warhammer Fantasy CK2)

We should move to a nearby city and start making a garden. Feed the people and defend a flank.

Maybe the Imperial capital.

Did Verena provide any guidance when we prayed to her?
Turn 3
Turn 3

People are on edge at the moment. Gossip around town is all focused around the dangers of this Vortex business and everyone is starting to stock up on supplies and weapons. A survivalist mindset has set in and attendance at the Farmville Shrines has been record-breaking these last few days.

You? You are preparing your own way. You have stored more and more food and have made your own guards and workers; hopefully its enough.

Also Crazy Dave has 'adopted' more wierdos. You don't doubt that they can kick some teeth in. Especially that new Fat Nippon Ogre Khonsu.

Stockpile: 25
Income: +4

Diplomacy - PICK 1
[ ][Diplomacy] Know your Neighbors
You have spent most of your time working your farm. You may want to get to know people. (AUTOPASS)(Knowledge of Surroundings)
[ ][Diplomacy] Ask the Forest Spirits
There are Spirits in every forest. Maybe you can talk to them about your ... creations... (NEED 50)(Forest Spirit Interlude)
[ ][Diplomacy] Farmville Contacts
You plan to develop relations with other Farmvillers (NEED 40)(List of Potential Farmviller contacts)
[ ][Diplomacy] Exchange for Resource
Sacrifice this Action for more Resources (AUTOPASS)(+d6 Resources)

Martial - PICK 1
[ ][Martial] Heavy Melee Unit
Big Monsters need Big Guys to face on equal footing. (AUTOPASS)(3 R)(Heavy Melee Units)
[ ][Martial] Peashooter Training
Maybe you can teach your Peashooters how to actually aim properly. (NEED 20)(Elite Peashooters i.e. Repeater & Threepeater)
[ ][Martial] Artillery
You will need bigger guns. (AUTOPASS)(3 R)(Artillery Units)
[ ][Martial] Hire Guards
You need actual boots on the ground to watch your farm. (NEED 30)(1 R/turn)(Armed Guards)
[ ][Martial] Buy Weapons
You need to buy a real gun. (AUTOPASS)(1 R)(Farm stocked with Guns)
[ ][Martial] Exchange for Resource
Sacrifice this Action for more Resources (AUTOPASS)(+d6 Resources)

Stewardship - PICK 1
[ ][Stewardship] Fences
Build some fences to protect your crops. (AUTOPASS)(3 R)(Fences. Can be upgraded with walls.)
[ ][Stewardship] Cultivate the land
Work your farmland and make it fertile. (NEED 20)(Fertile Farmland)
[ ][Stewardship] Sustainable Plant Population
Cultivating your Plant-Servants is time intensive. You decide to work to make growing them easier. (NEED 30)(Unit Trickle per turn)
[ ][Stewardship] Hire Workers
You can try and employ farmhands brave enough (NEED 40)(1 R/turn, 2 Turns before cost covered)(Resource Income)
[ ][Stewardship] Reinforce your House
You need to reinforce your house to better protect yourself. (AUTOPASS)(1 R)(House Reinforced)
[ ][Stewardship] Exchange for Resource
Sacrifice this Action for more Resources (AUTOPASS)(+d6 Resources)

[ ][Intrigue] Scout for Territory
You may be able to expand your farm into the brush and wilds but you will need to know what is out there. (AUTOPASS)(Knowledge of Wilderness)
[ ][Intrigue] Spy Plants
You want to create some plants that can keep an eye out for you. (NEED 50)(3 R)(Spy/Infiltrator Units. Intrigue Bonus)
[ ][Intrigue] Information Broker
If you need to get dirt on something you will need to ask for someone who knows something ... for a price... (NEED 40)(3 R)(REPEATABLE. Information Broker: +30 Intrigue Bonus for 3 Turns)
[ ][Intrigue] Exchange for Resource
Sacrifice this Action for more Resources (AUTOPASS)(+d6 Resources)

Learning - PICK 1, +10 Bonus, +1 Re-roll
[ ][Learning] Ask a Botanist
Speak to a Botanist about your Plants. (NEED 30)(Unlock Special Units)
[ ][Learning] Fungi
Mushrooms are usually Greenskin and Nurgle's territory but you think you may be able to do something with them. (NEED 20)(2 R)(Fungi Research)
[ ][Learning] Magic Plants
Some Plants are magical in nature. Cultivating them maybe useful (NEED 50)(Magic research tree unlocked)
[ ][Learning] Samples from Dave
Dave has a variety of monsters that you could get samples of for your experiments. See if you can buy some. (AUTOPASS)(1 R)(???)
[ ][Learning] Tinker Fugue
You feel ... strange... (AUTOPASS)(???)
[ ][Learning] Plant-Muscle Applications
You can create usable muscles without magic. That can lead to all kinds of things... (AUTOPASS)(10 R)(Plant 'Mechs', Plant Prosthetics)
[ ][Learning] Exchange for Resource
Sacrifice this Action for more Resources (AUTOPASS)(+d6 Resources)

Personal - PICK 1
[ ][Personal] Ask Simurgh out for a date
Mutant or not she is very pretty and she may actually like you.
[ ][Personal] Speak to Dave
You should get to know Dave.
[ ][Personal] Travel Nearby
There are other settlements around here that you could explore and establish relationships with.
[ ][Personal] Pray to Verena
You should pray to Verena for guidance and blessing.
[ ][Personal] Exchange for Resource
Sacrifice this Action for more Resources (AUTOPASS)(+d6 Resources)
Nurgle was angry!
Nurgle was angry!

Word had reached the Plague Father's ear that another "Leech" of the Interloper had risen in the lands of Lustria. While that alone draw the ire of chaos upon the mortal, it was the mortal's power that truly angered Nurgle. The leech's power was creating life through flora and was capable removing the blessing of chaos from the land. The worm was made into an avatar of "Life" itself and to Nurgle this was the greatest insult the Interloper can make towards the Fly Lord. Adding further salt to the wound, the Leech was a servant of Verena whose always seeking to stop Nurgle's blessings along with her servants. Now, the Lord of Decay was in workshop and was hard at work improving, altering, and creating new diseases.

Nurgle's cauldron bubbles and festers as he pours ingredients from his shelf into sickly green liquid within. Nurgle stirred his concoction with a gnarly looking spoon before lifting the spoon to his lips to taste it. Finding it unsatisfactory, Nurgle grabbed a pus filled boil from his tainted "flesh" and squeezed into the cauldron which changes the concoction within into a sickly yellow color. Next, the Lord of Decay grabbed a jar containing some strange mold and poured it into the viral concoction which created into a small mushroom cloud. Once more the Fly Lord tasted his latest plague upon the mortal realm and found that it was satisfactory before he poured into the grate below.

Through a gap between realities the new plague seeped into the world and began its deadly touch upon the world. The first instance of the disease began in a lone village that was in a middle nowhere and was in the middle of a winter storm. At first, the symptoms for the Plague were indistinguishable from that of a common fever such as headaches and high body temperature. After a week has past the more severe symptoms of the disease is shown; bloodshot eyes, nausea, cysts, rashes, paranoia, dementia, inflammation, headaches, and necrosis. Upon death the disease's full potential is shown as the victim becomes an undead servant of Nurgle. The new servant of the Plague Father will aggressively attack non-infected in order to spread Nurgle's blessings to them.

The undead created by this disease are volatile creatures with exposed flesh and bone, sharp claws, and a mandible-like jaw. They screams sound like a mix between a bestial roar and an anguish screams which can deafen the ears of those who hear it. What makes this creature really dangerous is the animalistic cunning that it displays when engaging its prey or it hunts. Such behavior consists of hunting in numbers, avoiding danger, and in even playing dead to deceive its prey. This aids the creatures in plaguing the country side of the Old World as they guided by Nugle towards the direction of Lustria.

Will take constructive criticism on how to improve this
Last edited:
[X] Plan Sustainable Shipping
-[X][Diplomacy] Know your Neighbors
-[X][Martial] Heavy Melee Unit
-[X][Stewardship] Sustainable Plant Population
-[X][Intrigue] Information Broker
-[X][Learning] Magic Plants
-[X][Personal] Ask Simurgh out for a date

Think we need a wallnut to back up our peashooters and passive production. Given our Learning bonuses, now is the best time to pick the hardest.
And Simurghdate why not
[X] Plan Walk, Talk and Bulk
-[X][Diplomacy] Farmville Contacts
-[X][Martial] Heavy Melee Unit
-[X][Stewardship] Sustainable Plant Population
-[X][Intrigue] Scout for Territory

-[X][Learning] Ask a Botanist
-[X][Personal] Travel Nearby
[X] Plan Cultivation
-[X][Diplomacy] Know your Neighbors
-[X][Martial] Peashooter Training
-[X][Stewardship] Cultivate the land
-[X][Intrigue] Scout for Territory
-[X][Learning] Plant-Muscle Applications
-[X][Personal] Ask Simurgh out for a date
[X] Plan Sustainable Shipping
-[X][Diplomacy] Know your Neighbors
-[X][Martial] Heavy Melee Unit
-[X][Stewardship] Sustainable Plant Population
-[X][Intrigue] Information Broker
-[X][Learning] Magic Plants
-[X][Personal] Ask Simurgh out for a date
[X] Plan Walk, Talk and Bulk
Adhoc vote count started by Chrestomanci on Oct 30, 2018 at 4:44 AM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan Walk, Talk and Bulk
    -[X][Diplomacy] Farmville Contacts
    -[X][Martial] Heavy Melee Unit
    -[X][Stewardship] Sustainable Plant Population
    -[X][Intrigue] Scout for Territory
    -[X][Learning] Ask a Botanist
    -[X][Personal] Travel Nearby
    [X] Plan Sustainable Shipping
    -[X][Diplomacy] Know your Neighbors
    -[X][Martial] Heavy Melee Unit
    -[X][Stewardship] Sustainable Plant Population
    -[X][Intrigue] Information Broker
    -[X][Learning] Magic Plants
    -[X][Personal] Ask Simurgh out for a date
    [X] Plan Cultivation
    -[X][Diplomacy] Know your Neighbors
    -[X][Martial] Peashooter Training
    -[X][Stewardship] Cultivate the land
    -[X][Intrigue] Scout for Territory
    -[X][Learning] Plant-Muscle Applications
    -[X][Personal] Ask Simurgh out for a date
[X] Plan Sustainable Shipping
-[X][Diplomacy] Know your Neighbors
-[X][Martial] Heavy Melee Unit
-[X][Stewardship] Sustainable Plant Population
-[X][Intrigue] Information Broker
-[X][Learning] Magic Plants
-[X][Personal] Ask Simurgh out for a date
@Spktr Alpha

What's the opinion of my nurgle omake, not expecting it to be canon but would like to know if I need to change somethings.

I feel like it it incomplete since it seems to just cut off after describing the newest Ebol-Aids Nurgle has whipped up. Can you add one or two more paragraphs? I don't feel like I can judge and reward an omake if it doesn't have an ending.
I feel like it it incomplete since it seems to just cut off after describing the newest Ebol-Aids Nurgle has whipped up. Can you add one or two more paragraphs? I don't feel like I can judge and reward an omake if it doesn't have an ending.
Will do so later today, also will we see zombies from other works of fiction in this quest?
Vote Tally : The Shard-Touched (Worm/Warhammer Fantasy CK2) - Fantasy - Superhero | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 180-199]
##### NetTally 1.9.10

[7] Plan: ◈Walk, Talk and Bulk — The Shard-Touched (Worm/Warhammer Fantasy CK2) - Fantasy - Superhero | Page 8
[6] Plan: ◈Sustainable Shipping — The Shard-Touched (Worm/Warhammer Fantasy CK2) - Fantasy - Superhero | Page 8
[1] Plan: ◈Cultivation — The Shard-Touched (Worm/Warhammer Fantasy CK2) - Fantasy - Superhero | Page 8
[1] ask Simurgh out on a date.

Total No. of Voters: 15
Winning vote:

[-] Plan Walk, Talk and Bulk
-[-][Diplomacy] Farmville Contacts
-[-][Martial] Heavy Melee Unit
-[-][Stewardship] Sustainable Plant Population
-[-][Intrigue] Scout for Territory
-[-][Learning] Ask a Botanist
-[-][Personal] Travel Nearby

you have +15, +15, +10 total banked

you have +10, +10 banked and another +15 from your omake.

You may choose which actions to spend your points on or to save them for a later date.

@Spktr Alpha

added another paragraph to the omake, let me know if this makes the omake work now.
I still feel that it does not have a conclusion as the paragraph is to me additional exposition. Anyways you don't need to fret about it. I've already awarded you +15 as shown above.