Corps and Spies (Invisible, Inc. Agent Quest)

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by WMG on Jun 29, 2018 at 9:36 PM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.
You stare at Decker, his words reverberate in your ears. He did make sense in what he said, that even if you were somehow innocent in all this, all that mattered was what PlasTech believed. And with you against an entire corporation, there was no way you'd stand even in a fair trial in a proper court of law, let alone in any of semblances of a justice system in the economic courts. You'd probably be better off trying to turn water into wine through sheer willpower alone than prove your innocence.

But Decker was still someone you just met. You don't know where his allegiances lie, or even if you could trust him. Paranoid as that was, paranoia was a good defensive mechanism in staying alive as long as you can, even if it might alienate you from other people. Yet outright denying something like that wouldn't help either.

So you opt to remain silent.

Your eyes meets his as his meets yours and in what seems like forever, the fedora-hatted man gives you an inquisitive look, scrutinizing every feature of your face, as if he's trying to draw out the truth through what your face was saying.

However, after what feels like an agonizing eternity, Decker blinks and simply shrugs. "Alright, alright, I get it. Touchy subject, shouldn't have been so blunt about it." He sounds like he made quite the faux pas, which isn't really too far from the truth. "Sorry if I came off as a bit too pushy there, kind of rare to actually meet someone accused of treason and who's still alive. Usually the accused end up getting shot in the street and left for the street cleaners to take care of later."

Taking your continued silence as your attempt to completely clam up, Decker lets out a sigh as he stands up and starts pacing around the room. Though he hardly looks it, you can feel a change in his mood. Where he was relaxed and less attentive, he seems now to have gone the complete opposite.

Deciding to let Decker stew for a bit, you continue to take stock of your situation. You've been accused of treason, and know that if PlasTech gets its hands on you, you're never seeing the light of day ever again. Not only is that bad personally, but bad for an entire conspiracy seeking to subvert and undermine the corporation's efforts. Maybe it would have been better if you tried running when you got the chance. At least if they shot you, you'd be dead and wouldn't be capable of being a liability to revealing your associates.

As you keep thinking, a wave of throbbing pain hits you. The Enforcers must have handled you worse than you first though. Checking over your body, you realize the source of this pain is…

[X] Coming from behind your left eye. That hit to the head must have struck your augment and must have caused it to loosen slightly. +Augment Cranium Hard Drive [Allows for storing sensitive data in an internal database. Includes capability to virtually interface with compatible devices.]

[X] Coming from your right arm. Did they just drag you around and let you bump into whatever was in the way? + Augment T.A.G. Uplink [Uploads a T.A.G. "Tactical Analysis Geolocator" to an external database by using the user's hand print, providing geopositional data of a tagged target. T.A.G. data degrades as target moves further from the user.]

[X] Coming from your legs. Those bruises must be a lot deeper than you first imagined. + Augment Movement Energizer [By re-wiring nerve signals with high tech bio-replacements, electrical signals sent to and from the brain arrive faster and allow for faster response times.]

[X] Coming from your chest. You must've bruised a few ribs. [No Augmentation]

Even though the pain is distracting, you can't let it stop you. You need to get out of here and quick. Every second wasted is a chance for PlasTech goons to open those doors and take you away.

Taking another deep breath, you once more try to rise to your feet. Stumbling every now and then, you shuffle your way closer to one of the benches. You wonder if Decker would help you, but a quick glance at him has you seeing that he seems to be a bit preoccupied with… something. Whatever the case, his attention is definitely not directed at you and you're already too far in to actually consider asking for help now.

Gripping the edge of the bench, you slowly pull yourself upwards, letting your trembling legs finally take the brunt of your weight. Nearly falling over, you catch yourself as you wobble slightly before managing to ease yourself into a mostly standing state. Glad that you're finally standing up, you end up leaning on a wall and ease your breathing. Just as you're about to close your eyes, you notice Decker approaching.

"Hey, Minsk," he says rather urgently, one of his hands hovering near his ear. "I think I got your ticket out of here."

"You do?" you quickly blurt out, though quickly note that considering Decker's slightly frantic nature, you're starting to think this might be a bit more than you might bargain for. "What's the catch? You don't exactly tell a man in jail you can get him out without there being a catch."

Decker lets out a short scoff. "Well of course not, something like this doesn't fall in your lap unless you're willing to do something in return. And I've got something I need done after this. You're going to have to trust me on this one, but unless you got any better ideas, this is probably the best way you're going to get out of here in one piece."

"Well what is it?"

Decker shakes his head. "Can't tell you unless you agree to it. This is actually a rather on a need to know basis and unless you agree to help me out first, I'm not going to tell you."

You shake your head incredulously. "You're going to tell me that you can get me out, but not tell me how? That doesn't exactly sound like a smart business proposition."

"It isn't, but it's the only way I can determine if I can trust you or not. If you trust me enough with your safety to get you out, then I can trust you enough to get the job I need done as quickly as possible. Besides, unless you got a security card under that shirt of yours, we're not exactly walking out of here on our own."

"On our own?"

Decker quickly closes his mouth. He probably said too much already. "Like I said, I need to know if you can trust me on this. So what do you say? Ready to get out?"

[X] "Not like I have much of a choice here. Fine, I'll trust you. I just hope you're not going to make me do something I'll regret once we get out of here."
[X] "I don't know, are you sure you can't tell me something? You're asking me to put a lot of faith in you without giving me at least something to return with."
[X] "Sorry Decker, I can't do that. I need to get out here, but I can't trust such vague promises unless you give me something more to work with here."
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[X] Coming from your legs. Those bruises must be a lot deeper than you first imagined. + Augment Movement Energizer [By re-wiring nerve signals with high tech bio-replacements, electrical signals sent to and from the brain arrive faster and allow for faster response times.]
[X] "Not like I have much of a choice here. Fine, I'll trust you. I just hope you're not going to make me do something I'll regret once we get out of here."

An extra bit of agility is always good, especially when it comes to stealth.
[X] Coming from behind your left eye. That hit to the head must have struck your augment and must have caused it to loosen slightly. +Augment Cranium Hard Drive [Allows for storing sensitive data in an internal database. Includes capability to virtually interface with compatible devices.]
[X] "I don't know, are you sure you can't tell me something? You're asking me to put a lot of faith in you without giving me at least something to return with."
[X] Coming from behind your left eye. That hit to the head must have struck your augment and must have caused it to loosen slightly. +Augment Cranium Hard Drive [Allows for storing sensitive data in an internal database. Includes capability to virtually interface with compatible devices.]
[X] "Not like I have much of a choice here. Fine, I'll trust you. I just hope you're not going to make me do something I'll regret once we get out of here."
Deciding that letting Decker stew for a bit, you continue to take stock of your situation.
'deciding to let'?
You wonder if Decker would help you, but a quickly glance at him has you seeing that he seems to be a bit preoccupied with… something.

[X] Coming from your legs. Those bruises must be a lot deeper than you first imagined. + Augment Movement Energizer [By re-wiring nerve signals with high tech bio-replacements, electrical signals sent to and from the brain arrive faster and allow for faster response times.]
[X] "Sorry Decker, I can't do that. I need to get out here, but I can't trust such vague promises unless you give me something more to work with here."

If he isn't on the level, we may end up dragging others down with us.
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[X] Coming from behind your left eye. That hit to the head must have struck your augment and must have caused it to loosen slightly. +Augment Cranium Hard Drive [Allows for storing sensitive data in an internal database. Includes capability to virtually interface with compatible devices.]
[X] "Sorry Decker, I can't do that. I need to get out here, but I can't trust such vague promises unless you give me something more to work with here."
[X] Coming from your legs. Those bruises must be a lot deeper than you first imagined. + Augment Movement Energizer [By re-wiring nerve signals with high tech bio-replacements, electrical signals sent to and from the brain arrive faster and allow for faster response times.]
[X] "Not like I have much of a choice here. Fine, I'll trust you. I just hope you're not going to make me do something I'll regret once we get out of here."
So I went and added a couple of notes for the quest here, just in case anyone was curious about certain things. As well, since we have a tie right now for one of the choices, I'll leave the vote open still. If it's still tied up, I'll just have to flip a coin for the tie breaker.

But yeah, glad to have you all around helping move this all along. Hope that these first few updates have been okay so far.
[X] Coming from behind your left eye. That hit to the head must have struck your augment and must have caused it to loosen slightly. +Augment Cranium Hard Drive [Allows for storing sensitive data in an internal database. Includes capability to virtually interface with compatible devices.]
[X] "I don't know, are you sure you can't tell me something? You're asking me to put a lot of faith in you without giving me at least something to return with."
Your vision blurs slightly as you weigh your options. You are quite desperate in trying to get out of here as quickly as possible, and help would be certainly appreciated. Yet you're skeptical on what Decker's job might be. If he needs someone he trusts, you might not be so keen in doing something that'll put you in more risk than you already are in.

Then again, you've been putting yourself at risk for quite some time now. And with the alternative being shipped off to a PlasTech deprogramming center, what's a little bit of extra risk added to the pile?

When Decker looks like he's about to rescind his offer, you simply nod. "Not like I have much of a choice here," you say, folding your arms over your chest. "Fine, I'll trust you. I just hope you're not going to make me do something I'll regret once we get out of here."

Hearing your answer, you watch the tips of Decker's mouth curl slightly, the trench-coated man chuckling softly in approval. "Good to hear, Minsk. And I promise you, I won't lead you astray. Now that I've got your consent, give me a moment, I have a call to make."

"A call?" Now he's just being crazy. Doesn't he remember where the both of you are? "Won't security be able to detect it the moment you try to contact someone?"

His small smile twists into a devious grin as he starts to pace around. "Yeah, but trust me, security won't even notice." Bringing his left index finger up to just below his left ear, he turns his attention away from you to whatever he was doing.

"Hey Central, it's me, Decker," he says, surprising you for a moment. Guess he must have a communicator installed in his ear. "... Yeah, I know you told me to not use this line unless it's an emergency, but trust me, it's an emergency. I'm in an enforcer detainment facility in PlasTech territory. ... No, I'm not calling you to get me bailed out just because I got into another fist fight. Central… Central! … I know, I know, but please, let me explain myself…"

You tune out Decker's voice for a moment as you rub your forehead a bit, wincing a bit as you touch the bruise there. Though you're standing, you're concerned for the information that you have in the database. If the data ended up getting corrupted or even lost…

"... Yeah, yeah Central, you don't have to remind me about my performance. And no, the mission hasn't been compromised yet. … And that's what I'm getting at, that's why I called you, Central. It's not me, it's the guy who's here with me. … His name is Minsk, and he's been accused of treason against PlasTech."

The room is silent as Decker makes no response. You start feeling a knot forming in your chest, worried that might have been the end of this chance of getting out. However, Decker starts to shake his head.

"No, he's standing, looks a bit worse for wear but he's okay. … He didn't sound like he was lying to me earlier, though he was rather quiet about the whole thing. … No, he didn't say anything else about the subject. … Well he's willing to trust me, so there's that. If anything bad happens, I'll take care of it, okay? You know I wouldn't do anything that'll hurt the agency. ... Central? … Yes, Central. … Alright Central. Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep an eye on him."

Lowering his hand from his head, Decker turns towards you, that grin still on his face. "Well guess it's your lucky day, Minsk." As he spoke, you hear a soft beeping as the security door's lines change from red to green. "Come on, most of the guards here are getting ready to take off their shifts, so we only got about a ten minute window to get out of here before security notices what's going on."

Decker takes lead as he taps the door open, you sticking close to him as much as possible as the both of you exit the cell. The door behind you closes shut, the green glow returning back to its normal red. As you take stock of your surroundings, you're finally able to get a good look outside from one of the windows.

It's night time. The one of the things you could remember before you ended up here was the sun being low in the horizon. You realize that you must have been out for at least a few hours. You try looking down on the street, hoping to see the street name, but Decker quickly waves you over.

"My gear's a few doors down. We're going to hit that and then we're heading straight to the televator. And Minsk," Decker says intently, making sure you're paying attention to him. "If I tell you to hide, you hide immediately. You let me handle any security we might come across."

Nodding, you quietly follow Decker down into a hallway, passing by a few doors before reaching one with a plaque on the side saying 'Evidence Room.' Bringing his index finger up to his ear again, Decker mutters, "We're in front of the evidence room." As if on cue, the door lights up, sliding open as the both of you duck in as it closes quickly afterwards.

Snooping around for a bit, Decker quickly stops in front of a safe. Tapping it a bit, the safe door unlocks as Decker proceeds to swing it wide open.

"This is gonna take me a little bit, but keep an eye on the door, will you? Oh, and here, this probably belongs to you."

As you look towards Decker, you see a small box being tossed towards you. Taking a moment to undo the lock, you open it up and see that it is indeed your gear, looking a little roughed up, but other than that looking perfectly operational. Taking out the contents, you stash away your...

(Choose Two)
[] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
[] Your D.A.R.T. Pistol, still unused after being given to you when you started your campaign of corporate subversion. (Non-lethal ranged weapon that must be externally recharged when exhausted. Comes with a spare Charge Pack.)
[] Your EMP Device, having fried its fair share of electronic locks and security cameras. (Knocks out any unshielded electronics in its blast radius. Delicate electronics may end up being destroyed.)
[] Your Hologram Projector, useful in a pinch when needing to find cover, or make a distraction. (May be reprogrammed at a terminal to change its projection. Currently programmed to project an industrial crate.)

As you're stashing your gear away, a data terminal catches your eye. Moving closer to it, you realize that whoever was last using it didn't secure it properly, the terminal still logged in from the last user. Realizing this, your take a quick glance towards Decker, seeing that he was still digging through the safe for his equipment. He did ask you to keep an eye on the door, but a compromised terminal isn't something you see every day. Especially one that is still logged in.

You bring your hand up for a bit. You could easily interface with the device and take whatever information you want, but probably enough for one important file. The word 'arrest reports' gets your attention. Though you wouldn't be able to actually access and read the file until you get access to another terminal, it could be useful to have a report on not only your arrest, but Decker's as well.

That is, if you decide to do it. Your vision blurs again, reminding you of the damaged state your database is in right now. Attempting to download new information might just cause you to lose some important data during the transfer or worse, lose whatever information there might still be.

Staring at the data terminal, your eyes return back to the door. Maybe you should just do what Decker told you to do. You're already putting a lot of trust into him getting you out. Doing anything that could possibly endanger this escape attempt could prove fatal.

[] Download the Arrest Reports
[] Don't Download the Arrest Reports
[X] Your D.A.R.T. Pistol, still unused after being given to you when you started your campaign of corporate subversion. (Non-lethal ranged weapon that must be externally recharged when exhausted. Comes with a spare Charge Pack.)
[X] Your Hologram Projector, useful in a pinch when needing to find cover, or make a distraction. (May be reprogrammed at a terminal to change its projection. Currently programmed to project an industrial crate.)

[X] Don't Download the Arrest Reports

Since we didn't go for the superior reflexes, a ranged option is good. Also, much as I want the arrest reports, since we're in some sort of secret conspiracy already I don't want to put that data in danger
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Don't forget you can choose two from that list there. Didn't feel right just forcing to pick one from a list there.
[X] Don't Download the Arrest Reports

[X] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
[X] Your Hologram Projector, useful in a pinch when needing to find cover, or make a distraction. (May be reprogrammed at a terminal to change its projection. Currently programmed to project an industrial crate.)
[X] Don't Download the Arrest Reports
[X] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
[X] Your D.A.R.T. Pistol, still unused after being given to you when you started your campaign of corporate subversion. (Non-lethal ranged weapon that must be externally recharged when exhausted. Comes with a spare Charge Pack.)

we can get less combat oriented gear later, for now we need the stuff that will help us escape.
[X] Don't Download the Arrest Reports
[X] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
[X] Your D.A.R.T. Pistol, still unused after being given to you when you started your campaign of corporate subversion. (Non-lethal ranged weapon that must be externally recharged when exhausted. Comes with a spare Charge Pack.)
[X] Your D.A.R.T. Pistol, still unused after being given to you when you started your campaign of corporate subversion. (Non-lethal ranged weapon that must be externally recharged when exhausted. Comes with a spare Charge Pack.)
[X] Your Hologram Projector, useful in a pinch when needing to find cover, or make a distraction. (May be reprogrammed at a terminal to change its projection. Currently programmed to project an industrial crate.)
[X] Don't Download the Arrest Reports
[X] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
[X] Your Hologram Projector, useful in a pinch when needing to find cover, or make a distraction. (May be reprogrammed at a terminal to change its projection. Currently programmed to project an industrial crate.)
[X] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
[X] Your EMP Device, having fried its fair share of electronic locks and security cameras. (Knocks out any unshielded electronics in its blast radius. Delicate electronics may end up being destroyed.)

[X] Download the Arrest Reports
[x] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
[x] Your EMP Device, having fried its fair share of electronic locks and security cameras. (Knocks out any unshielded electronics in its blast radius. Delicate electronics may end up being destroyed.)

[x] Don't Download the Arrest Reports
[X] Your D.A.R.T. Pistol, still unused after being given to you when you started your campaign of corporate subversion. (Non-lethal ranged weapon that must be externally recharged when exhausted. Comes with a spare Charge Pack.)
[X] Your Hologram Projector, useful in a pinch when needing to find cover, or make a distraction. (May be reprogrammed at a terminal to change its projection. Currently programmed to project an industrial crate.)
[X] Don't Download the Arrest Reports
EMP guys...remember we have a fragile, damaged data storage containing critical information in our eye
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by WMG on Jul 2, 2018 at 6:58 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Don't Download the Arrest Reports
    [X] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
    [X] Your D.A.R.T. Pistol, still unused after being given to you when you started your campaign of corporate subversion. (Non-lethal ranged weapon that must be externally recharged when exhausted. Comes with a spare Charge Pack.)
    [X] Your Hologram Projector, useful in a pinch when needing to find cover, or make a distraction. (May be reprogrammed at a terminal to change its projection. Currently programmed to project an industrial crate.)
    [X] Your EMP Device, having fried its fair share of electronic locks and security cameras. (Knocks out any unshielded electronics in its blast radius. Delicate electronics may end up being destroyed.)
    [X] Download the Arrest Reports
[x] Your trusty Neural Disruptor, having fully recharged itself long after you've last used it to knock out a security guard that nearly interrupted your work. (Will knock out any target immediately. Slowly recharges itself after use.)
[x] Your EMP Device, having fried its fair share of electronic locks and security cameras. (Knocks out any unshielded electronics in its blast radius. Delicate electronics may end up being destroyed.)

[x] Don't Download the Arrest Reports