Corps and Spies (Invisible, Inc. Agent Quest)

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Probably a Dork
Several Hours in the Past of You
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Accessing Enforcer Security Report #2960969

SUBJECT: RE: Information on suspected criminal
DATE: March 22, 2074

AUTHOR: Chief Enforcer [REDACTED], Head of Security Force Branch of [REDACTED] Economic Zone

We wish to express our gratitude for your assistance in the arrest of a highly dangerous criminal. [REDACTED] was successfully captured after the information you provided allowed us to pinpoint [X] His/ [] Her (hereafter referred to as Prisoner #58259919) location. Prisoner #58259919 has been successfully detained and is awaiting transferal to a secure corporate detention center for deprogramming. We would like to remind you of the gravity of Prisoner #58259919's arrest, especially of crimes against commerce committed, most importantly:

[X] Conspiracy to commit treason against Corporate Entities.
[] Theft, Burglary and Robbery of Corporate Assets.
[] Murder of several High Ranking Corporate Officials.

As there is a corporate bounty on Prisoner #58259919, you are entitled to a share of the reward due to your invaluable assistance. A transfer of [REDACTED] credits has been wired to your account, courtesy of ([] Factory-to-Market Wholesalers/ [] Kelfried & Odin Weapons Foundry/ [X] PlasTech Cybermedical/[] Sankaku Heavy Industries.) Please wait 3-5 business days for the transfer to complete.

Your involvement in the arrest of Prisoner #58299919 shall remain disclosed only to the rewarding corporation to verify identification. If you have any further questions or inquiries, please use Contact Node [REDACTED] to reach us.

In Commerce we trust,
Chief Enforcer [REDACTED]
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Character Info
Name: "Minsk"
City of Registration: [REDACTED]
Affiliation: The Cities
Criminal Offenses: Conspiracy to Commit Treason Against PlasTech
Credits: 150
Current Bounty: [REDACTED]
Cranium Hard Drive [Damaged] - Thanks to advances in miniaturization of storage technology and synthetic parts, sub dermal data storage is now a possibility. Boasting competitive storage capability compared to regular storage devices and including virtual uplink capabilities at the touch of a finger, this PlasTech augmentation is all the rage with both corporate system administrators and SubNet hackers.

Neural Disruptor - Personal defense weapon capable of delivering a knockout shock to a target. Slowly recharges its battery after use.
DART Pistol - Fires darts coated with a potent knock out agent. Requires charge packs to keep powered.
Charge Packs x 1 - Used by both weapons to keep them charges and can also be used to fully restore compatible items batteries.

Name: Decker
Affiliation: [REDACTED]
Augments: [REDACTED]
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Misc. Information
It is the year 2074. The world has been ravaged by unchecked climate change. Brutal Resource Wars have destabilized existing nation-states and impoverished much of the former developed world. Governments and Nation States have collapsed, leaving a network of rival mega-citystates that dot the retracted coastline.

Massively powerful corporations have emerged as the defacto government. Most came to power supplying the various sides of the resource wars, and rushed to fill the power vacuum as traditional governments fell. While the San Francisco Accord of 2064 ended open hostilities and provided a nominal framework for inter-corporate peace and governance, covert actions and proxy wars continue to reshape the balance of power.

The vast majority of citizens eek out an existence in the shadow of their corporate overlords. Natural and engineered diseases are rampant, and antibiotics haven't worked in decades. Pollution from industry and continued fallout from nuclear exchanges in the Resource Wars make food production difficulty. Legitimate access to goods, energy, services, and education are all tightly controlled by intellectual property laws and monopolies. Official prices are kept high, and most citizens need to participate in the pervasive black market to meet their basic needs.

These laws are usually unenforced, but provide a useful pretext for prosecution should the need arise. Corporate profits are ensured by millions of citizens working off punishing 'contracts' handed out for subverting the corporate economy. More serious economic crimes are met with deadly force by corporate security.

For those within the corporate power structure, however, life is good. The Resource Wars saw huge advances in technology, especially in those areas applicable to warfare. Nano-fabrication allows for the quick construction of almost any manufactured good, and advanced medical technologies can keep people alive and healthy as long as they have the cash to pay for it. Ubiquitous robotics and drone technologies allow for safe and cost-effective law enforcement. The ultra rich live in exquisite arcologies and high-security towers, and vacation at sea in one of the many man-made corporate mobile islands. But even those near the top know that they are just one 'rightsizing' away from exile with the unwashed masses, or worse.

Factory-to-Market Wholesalers (FTM)
Factory To Market is the world's largest producer of consumer electronics. Traditionally a downmarket producer trading on volume, they have recently found success with a line of professional-grade personal security and surveillance products.

Kelfried & Odin Weapons Foundry (K&O)
An ancient family-held concern, Kelfried and Odin have been producing weapons systems since 'high technology' meant a particularly sharpened stick. Finally free from governmental oversight and regulation, they've proven as adept at wielding their products as they are at building them.

PlasTech Cybermedical (PlasTech)
Plastech Medical made record profits in the early 21st century selling life-extension technologies to aging baby boomers. When that well dried up, they funneled their vast cash reserves into R&D and cornered the market for cybernetic augmentation, rebranding themselves as PlasTech Cybermedical in the process.

Sankaku Heavy Industries (Sankaku)
Sankaku Heavy Industries started as an industrial automation provider in the early 21st century. In recent decades it has capitalized on the corporate class' growing dissatisfaction with human labour to expand into everything from education to law enforcement.

This quest is mostly a character/ story based one. Though there are some elements to consider about the character that may make him better or worse at certain things, it'll retain itself mostly as a story.

On the topic of write-ins, for the most part, unless it is stated, you should refrain from putting in write-ins. However, if you feel that there is a potential for a write-in, you may do so, but don't be surprised if it might be vetoed by me.

Drabbles and Omakes may be considered to be made canonical in the storyline and affect how it might go. Such content can range from Corporate activity to news stories and even to agent relations and actions outside of our protagonists' world view. I however am the final say if a drabble or omake could be considered canon or not.
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Alright then, well hello there, SufficientVelocity! This isn't exactly my first time doing something like this, but this is my first quest on the site. And it's all based on Klei's Turned-Based Tactical Espionage Game Invisible, Inc. Do feel free to ask me any questions you may have. And feel free to get this entire thing started! I do hope that my skills haven't become too rusty since I've last tried something like this long ago.
[X] His
[X] Conspiracy to commit treason against Corporate Entities.
[X] Factory-to-Market Wholesalers
[x] His
[x] Murder of several High Ranking Corporate Officials.
[x] Sankaku Heavy Industries
[X] His
[X] Conspiracy to commit treason against Corporate Entities.
[X] PlasTech Cybermedical

You, you annoy me. Mostly because you got to an Invisible Inc quest before I did. (even if the concept is different. I'm still annoyed)

Anyway, I remember PlasTech being into some shady and particularly morally dubious stuff, so working for them should be fun.
[X] His
[X] Conspiracy to commit treason against Corporate Entities.
[X] Kelfried & Odin Weapons Foundry
You, you annoy me. Mostly because you got to an Invisible Inc quest before I did. (even if the concept is different. I'm still annoyed)

Well I hope I haven't discouraged you from trying to do an Invisible, Inc. quest yourself. After all, Klei's games deserves quite a lot for being such fun, charming games.

Anyway, I'm heading out to work, so I'll leave the vote open for a while longer before I tally it up and close it, at least until I come back to work at the earliest.
[X] Her
[X] Conspiracy to commit treason against Corporate Entities.
[X] PlasTech Cybermedical
[X] Her
[X] Conspiracy to commit treason against Corporate Entities.
[X] PlasTech Cybermedical
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by WMG on Jun 27, 2018 at 9:40 PM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.
"-uster? Hey buster, you awake?"

You let out a short groan as your senses slowly come back to you. Feeling the cold, metallic floor on your face isn't what you call a good place to find yourself, even as your mind tries to piece everything back together.

"Hey buster, can you hear me?"

The voice that you heard as your mind was slowly rousing speaks again, even for you to attempt to lift your head up. You manage, if only for a moment, before collapsing to the ground again. Still, it seems your effort was enough for you to hear the shuffling of foot steps moving closer towards you.

"Damn, those Enforcers really must have done number on you, buster."

Doing your best attempt at some sort of response, you manage to let out a short grunt. Making another attempt at getting up, you push yourself up on your hands. At least with your face off the cold floor, you can try to start looking, the harsh light of bright ceiling lamps forcing you to blink several times as your vision readjusted itself.

"Well, aren't you finally up."

Shaking your head, you finally take a moment to look around in the room you're in. And how sparse and bland it was. With only a few benches next to each of the four walls around you, and a single, red tinted door, you're quick to realize where you are.

"Ah…" you muttered as you clutch your head, partially in confusion and partially in pain. "How long was I out?"

A short scoff fills your ears as you focus your vision towards the source. "Hell if I know, I nodded off for a bit and when I woke up, you were already lying down there." The voice belonged to a peculiar looking man, dressed in brown fedora and trenchcoat. "Enforcers must've really not care for your comfort here. Then again, when do those muppets care about comfort?"

You mutter a short curse under your breath as you attempt to get up on your feet, but barely get half way before stumbling back to the ground. Falling on your back, you squint as one of the ceiling lights shines directly into your face.

"Hey, hey, come on, buster," the fedora-hatted man says, letting out an exasperated sigh. "What's the rush, man? It's not like you're going anywhere here. We're both stuck in this holding cell until they decide to let us go. So might as well make yourself comfortable here while we wait for one of those corporate goons to shuffle us out of here."

Resigning yourself to your situation, you gently and carefully sit up, taking a few deep breaths as you turn your attention to the man you're sharing this holding room with. It seems while you were readjusting yourself, he decided to sit on one of the benches nearest to him. The both of you sit in silence for a while, you mostly to recuperate your energy, and him just staring at you while you sit there.

Finally, the man breaks the silence.

"So, what's your name, buster?"

Your brain takes a bit longer to register those words than you would like, and you end up staring at him for a few seconds longer than necessary. In response, he raises his hands to his side in defense.

"Hey, no need to clam up on me," he states, still holding his hands up. "Just asking a question, that's all."

"Sorry," you quickly apologize, rubbing your forehead. "I'm just really out of it. Feels like someone took a sledgehammer to my skull."

The man shrugs as he lets out a mirthless laugh. "That's the Enforcers for you. Keeping order and detaining suspects with the maximum amount of violence possible without leaving any lasting injuries. Seeing as your a bit out of it, how about I introduce myself first?" He adjusts his hat slightly, letting you get a better look at his eyes. "The name's Decker. So, mind telling me your name and why the Enforcers decided to bring you here?"

"Yeah, name's [X] (Insert Name Here)." As you finish, you quickly try to remember what happened a few hours ago. Though your brain still feels like a pretzel, you do manage to dig up a voice… shouting loudly at you.

… '... You're under arrest for Conspiracy to Commit Treason against PlasTech Cybermedical. Come quietly or we will be forced to use lethal force!'

Your mental self stands there, looking at the reflective face shield on the Enforcer's riot helmet. You barely manage to say a word before the butt of a rifle is thrust into your chest, causing you to fall over and collapse to the ground. The last thing you see is that same Enforcer, holding the butt of his rifle over your head...

"Treason against PlasTech…" Decker repeats, making you realize you were saying some of those words aloud. "Shit, you're in real trouble, aren't you? … So, did you do it?"

"Do what?" You reflexively answer, gently touching the bruise on the side of your head.

"You know, the whole treason."

"Why the hell should I tell you that?" You give Decker a look of disbelief, wondering if he really is telling you whether or not you're guilty or not.

He only stares at you in response, looking down at you over his nose. "Does it matter? I mean if one of the Corps decided that you're guilty of treason, it's not like it matters whether or not you're guilty. They've already made up their minds. What I want to know is if you actually did it or not."

You continue to stare at Decker, still stunned that you'd be asked whether or not you're guilty of something. But he does bring up a good point. If a Corporation wants to accuse you of anything, things like proof and assumption of innocence aren't exactly a top priority to them. If anything, you're probably lucky the Enforcers brought you here instead of straight to one of PlasTech's Deprogramming Centers.

Still, you're not sure if you want to answer Decker's question. You just met the guy and he's already asking you if you've actually committed treason. Of course you have… but Decker doesn't need to know that. Right?

[X] "Yeah… yeah, I did."
[X] "No. No way! I'm innocent! I've never committed any crimes!"
[X] Remain Silent.
Hey it's Decker. Totally not the Blade Runner guy ;)

[X] Finch
[X] "Yeah… yeah, I did."

Because I can make a reference or two of my own
Well I see that quite a few votes came in while I was asleep. I'll be closing the vote in about 8 or so hours, depending on when I come back from work. Though also, I understand Finch, but what about Minsk? Any meaning behind that? Or is it really just the name of a city in Belarus?