-[X] Name Air Great Woman, Name The People Air - In times of great change, a Great Woman might be appointed, who is wise and speaks well and can lead the people. For her great skill, the woman who is named Air is thus also named Great Woman, to lead the people until her death. In addition, the people will forever become the Kin to Air, to take on her great wisdom.
-[X] Send In The Woman Named Air - The woman named Air has demonstrated that she holds the tongue of the river, the mind of the valley and the resilience of the land, and she is of old wisdom and went to the people beyond the valley to trade their wares in the flower of her youth. It is only just that a woman who calms the people and makes their strange cousins bring them gifts come to enter the place.
Establishing a great woman as a position pushes more towards a matriarchy rather than it being a one off thing. I want to see what a nomad matriarchy will look like. I also like the people being named Air as nomads for many reasons.
Send her into the building so she can build her rep and have legends more likely sung about her.