vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by M3lk0r on Feb 5, 2018 at 3:06 AM, finished with 25 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
    [X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
    -[X] Smite Rank 02
    -[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
    -[X]Endurance Rank 03
    -[X]Regeneration Rank 01
    [X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
    [X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
    [X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
    -[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
    -[X] Warp Strength 01
    -[X]Regeneration Rank 01
    -[X]Endurance Rank 03
    [X] Take Magnus up on his suggestion to gain more power and immerse yourself in the warp.
    -[X] be cautious on the usage of the warp, and take it step by step, if anything feels wrong pull back immediately and use biomancy to fix the damage.
    [X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was referring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
    [X] Accept Toshaka's offer, let her hold the mage that you know what she is thinking or about to say, since she already has that image of you.
    [X] Take Magnus up on his suggestion to gain more power and immerse yourself in the warp.
    [X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
    [X] Practice channeling Warp Energy through the Azoth Sword (free action)
    [X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
    [X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
    -[X] Smite Rank 02
    -[X]Regeneration Rank 01
    -[X] Warp Strength 01
    -[X]Warp Speed Rank 02
    [X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
    [X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
    -[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
    -[X] Warp Strength 01
    -[X]Regeneration Rank 01
    -[X]Endurance Rank 03
    [X] Practice Divination (choose 4)
    -[X] Precognition rank 02
    -[X] Perfect Timing Rank 02
    -[X] Forewarning Rank 03
    -[X] Foreboding Rank 02
    [X] Explore other areas (choose up to 2)
    -[X] Telekinesis
    -[X] Telepath
    [X] Explore into the power of Sorceror (choose up to 2)
    -[X] Ectomancy Discipline
    -[X] Common Powers
    [X] Take Magnus up on his suggestion to gain more power and immerse yourself in the warp.
    -[X] be cautious on the usage of the warp, and take it step by step, if anything feels wrong pull back immediately and use biomancy to fix the damage.
    [X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was referring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
    [X] Work on making the Nemesis force weapon using the Azoth sword template
Forming an Alliance
"Emiya-san" Rin addresses you, her tone very shaky. Given what she has just gone through it is quite understandable that the young Magus is in this condition. In fact you are grateful that Magnus prevented your from experiencing any sensations during the entire event.

"Yes Tohsaka-san?" you reply with a knowing smile, Magnus has already told you what she wishes however it would endear you more to Rin if you were to hear the girl out.

"Zouken" she stammers "he can be easily dealt with by the association" she explains "however Kirei is a former Executioner of the Eighth Sacrament and has worked as an enforcer during his apprenticeship under my father." Looking up at you Rin now speaks "if I am to avenge my father's murder and the betrayal of Kotomine Kirei I will need allies" she explains.

Taking in a deep breath to help maintain her composure Rin continues "I am not sure if you are aware of this but in Clocktower and other mage associations of the west, those of us from the east are looked down upon." It seems that Magnus chose to leave this part out, and you are certain that the Crimson King was well aware of this fact Rin just gave you. "As such would it be too much to ask if you were to be my first ally in this goal that I am striving towards?"

You smile knowingly and Rin frowns only a little since she is now under the impression that you were expecting her to say this "If that is the case then I accept Tohsaka-san" you inform her.

<She is not in a sound state to place term and conditions as she is so now the nature of your association is vague save for helping her destroy Kotomine Kirei> Magnus notes quite amused < Which means you can also in turn request aid of her since you will be providing it, she will make a useful contact inside of Clocktower.>

In your workshop you have decided to work on your Biomancy, the sooner you have properly mastered it means the more chances you have of saving Kiritsugu from his fate.

Reaching out you look at your target before raise your hand and let go

Roll Needed: 20
Roll(2d20)+10: 19,12,+10: 41 Artificial Crit

The result is more than satisfactory as sapphire lightning burst forth and slams into the target incinerating it.
Shirou gains rank Primaris Power Smite Rank 03

Unlike with Smite your grasp of this skill is not as complete, Magnus did advise against using your fellow man when practising this though he stated that if were to use them it would allow you to utilise this skill as it initially was intended. However living beings, such as humans are not in easily available spply at the moment, so you will have to content yourself with the less animate objects.

Roll Needed: 15
Roll(1d20)+10: 11,+10: 21

Magnus's words of praise echo in your ears as the sheet of metal starts to collapse in on it's own weight, the tree you were also attempt to sap of vitality now looks weathered and old, all of it leaves having fallen off and it branches now drooping almost to the ground.
Shirou gains rank Primaris Power Enfeeble Rank 02

Looking down up at the tree you have all but killed it has presented the perfect opportunity needed for you to practise your more healing arts. Walking up to the tree you make contact before you reach out into what Magnus refers to as the Immaterium and channel it.

Roll Needed: 40
Roll(3d20)+10: 17,16,16,+10: 59

It works perfectly, the tree regains some of it's life as leaves and flowers sprout on it, Magnus commends you on doing well.
Enduracne will increase by one rank next time it is practised or used.

Finally there is this one power, Magnus has stated that it would only work best if you were to either physicall exhuast your body of injure yourself. While injuring yourself might be the faster and more immediate route, you are not confident enough in your own capabilities to actually believe that you will successfully heal any wounds you deliberately inflicted upon yourself.

Roll Needed: 5
Roll(1d20)+10: 10,+10: 20

The exhuastion fades from you entirely and you feel as if you have just woken up from a refreshing sleep while feeling as if you have had one of those energy drinks that you have seen advertised, though you doubt the actual caffeine hit will have any form of effect that the advertisement promises.
Shirou gains rank Primaris Power Regeneration Rank 02

"Magnus-Sensei" you address the Crimson King respectfully as the two of you sit outside, Rin slept most of the day only waking up to use the restroom and consume food as well as water. "What was that thing you were referring to a while back?" With Magnus you need not be sspeciffic he already knows your thoughts.

<It was just something of interest Shirou> Magnus responds <the opportunity is not going anywhere though I would reccomend dealing with it sooner or later.> The Crimson King is being deliberately vague on purpose, most likely he is challenging you to inquire further into this.

[] Leave it be
[] Ask Magnus how it can be benificial
[] Ask Magnus what it is.
[X] Ask Magnus how it can be benificial

Best to get the warning if we are going to be killed or not
[X] Ask Magnus how it can be beneficial

shame we cant ask different ones, like if its beneficial or harmful, get advice on it or perhaps even one day work on things...also if we do get scathach, fun times for the gang here! Because as a primarch (or turning into on) we aren't going to leave her alone unless something happens to us, giving her the chance at life she probably never had.
You have a question and I may give an Answer
"Magnus Sensei" you begin "how could this benefit either of us?" The Crimson King has wet your curiosity enough for you to probe further.

You get the feeling that the Crimson King if highly amused at your question <like many things in the galaxy it can be beneficial or detrimental in some instances that I have seen it can be both.>

Magnus would not be beating around the bush if it were immediately important, then again the Crimson King wouldn't beat around the bush if it had no real form of relevance. "What is the worst case scenario?"

You don't expect to hear or receive and answer other than being told to search for it. So it is a surprise with Magnus answers < If things go downhill, the best you can hope for is being killed that is if you prove unworthy.>

Well that is interesting to say the least, the best case is dying, given what little Magnus has shared with you of the Primordial Annihilator you are not certain you truly wish to know the alternatives.

<Worst comes to worst you are either trapped their due to the way this world around us works, or you are imprisoned there due to the occupant deciding upon it.>

Occupant, so there is only one person or creature involved besides Magnus and yourself. "Still what would be gained from such a venture? If the stakes are that high, unless this is a case of high risk high yield and I can manipulate the scales into our favour I am not seeing a reason to address this."

<Caution is a good trait, you need only appear arrogant to those around you, never forget that such an act is only there to throw off enemy and ally alike into underestimating your capabilities.> The Crimson King states <As for what there is to be gained, unfortunately while you could lean much from me as a warrior, I myself am more of a scholar and for lack of a better word, sorcerer than a warrior. That and I too crave the secrets of Old Earth that we could gain from entering under such a persons tutelage. >

So there is knowledge to be gained from it, enough that Magnus admits that he wishes to add that to his own immensely vast library. It must be truly valuable indeed for the Crimson King to covet it. However your mind is drawn to a fact that was revealed earlier "how do I prove 'worthy'?"

<I suppose your lack of relative information on what we are discussing would lead you to as such a question> Magnus states. <You need to be brave and full of potential> Magnus informs you <the latter you possess the former I am not so certain.>

That confuses you "how can I be brave then?" You ask the Crimson King since this seems to be a requirement.

< In all honesty Shirou, you know no fear> Magnus replies, but you feel that might be part of the problem. <To be brave you must know fear, to be afraid, as you became due to the fire, you cannot really comprehend true fear like how a human is supposed to. This is not to say that you don't have some of your survival instincts however the primal emotion of fear is too foreign for you to grasp, please try and understand that this absence is actually beneficial to you as channelling the warp a moment of weakness can spell your downfall.>

[] So are you saying that I need not worry about this and let it pass us by?

[] So there is no real chance off us gaining anything?

[] Then why was this brought up if there is no real chance?

[] write in
[X] So are you saying that I need not worry about this and let it pass us by?

How did Yoda put it again ?
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering.
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[X] So I am both Lesser and Greater for being without Fear?

Changing vote, this seems to be more of a Magnus inspired line of thought from shirou.