[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] Hunt Advent Drones

[Warning Alien Force drones spotted: Take Immediate action?]
-[Action taken: Combat protocols engaged]
-[Do you wish to play music?: YES/NO]
-[Music Engaged: Vilgo Configo]

Drone 8763 was busy capturing data on rebellious elements to the elders magnificent plans, until that is a older model drone approached from a attack angle, taken by surprise by the sound wave attacks and the bolts of energy splashing its frame the drone simply could not dodge or escape from its fate.

Twinkie was pleased, after the tenth ambush the advent drones were slowly coming into a small trickle, of course they were incredible predictable for some reason, previous protocols stated that Drone models were to accompany either Medium or Heavy elements during a operation, shows to you how aliens think of the silicon beings!

Oh look another one!

This ones different...

This one identified itself as AD 9862...

-[AD 9862: fails to counter hacking protocols]

Twinkie Booped and bopped...for it now had not one chassi to work with...but TWO to work with! surely the Great Commander would be pleased!
-[Access X-com anti spyware?: YES/NO]


Nameless Advent Mook: "Why in the Elders name are all these damn Feline pictures and videos Clogging up the drone matrix facility! we cant get any readings from these!!! Bah, the facility will be up soon, might as well shut this down now and save resources for when we CRUSH the resistance!"

Back to the town:

Twinkie 1 and 2 Were now busy disassembling the broken drone parts, amazingly some good quality Elerium was found still useable for the Human Masters! Best day since Creation!
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[X] [Construction] Resistance Command Center
[X] [Production] Level 1 Alien alloy construction tools
[X] [Research] Demolitions manual
[X] [Personal] Sniper Kit
[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Lookout Stations
@Zedalb since Squad 1 has 3 Specialists, shouldn't they be Veteran +3?

Also, can you differentiate Kevlar Uniforms, Dusters, and Plates for us?


Specialist training center: Making a proper facility where the various experts can teach, and manuals and training grounds can be placed for the various classes will greatly enhance their effectiveness. (100)
-Any squad with at least 3 specialists has a minimum Veteran level of +1

It makes new squads Veteran+1 when they get their third, doesn't raise it higher though.

Also differentiate how?
[X] [Personal] Hunt Advent Drones
Honestly he was dropping drones like flies, he wasn't sure if they had stupid programming or if the were remote controlled and their was an idiot at the wheel.

The stupid things kept on focusing all eyes on what ever facilities they had set up in the area leaving them completely blind to attack in their senseless strive for information they just kept wasting resources and he was loving it.

He wonders if he could get some personal weapons for himself made out of the loot before briefly stopping his thoughts to snipe another drone trying to look into the gunworks.
[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Lookout Stations
Do Uniforms and Plates stack, or are they mutually exclusive? If they're exclusive, how are they different?
Squads have the following slots

Uniforms, do not take a slot but provide only small bonuses. (mostly a moral, and uniformity thing)

Armor comes in either

Alien alloy breastplate and helms, which is ripping off advent and the best thing you can make.

Or ballistic plates in a kevlar carrier, which is pretty good (What the army uses currently) but doesn't require a limited resource.

Equipment is something you will unlock more of as you go,Right now your equipment options are

Dusters:Bonus to HP and stealth
Gernades:Bonus to short range
MPL:Bonus to short and long range
We need 4 personal actions or omakes to finish of the last .50 caliber

Agreed, but Lookout Stations should take precedence this turn. We'll need to purchase Production on the Cars for the next 3 turns and top them off with some actions as well as finish the 50cals.

[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Car Modification

Any chance I could convince you to hold off on Car Mods until next turn and help get the Lookout up?
[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Hunt Advent Drones
Guys I already took care of the problem of the advent drones, it only needed 1 PA to do so and I omaked it.

Edited: never mind, read it over again it was a one turn only thing shoot...
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[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Car Modification
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Hunt Advent Drones

Omake: Supply Run II

"So I've been thinking of asking for help delivering the pizzas, you know, around the town itself, except for the construction area." Ray casually leaned back in the passenger's side of the truck as Lee drove to the newest lookout station site. "Problem is, everyone able to help with that is already busy with higher priority projects, like the perimeter defenses and tool making. Between my shift at the hydroponics center and the time needed to prep, cook and deliver pizzas, I'm a little short on free time. Heck, I've had to start a waiting list for pizzas."

Lee shook his head, eyes never quite leaving the road. "I'd offer to help, but I'm going to be busy getting the squad cars armored. Speaking of help, thanks for coming with me to get this stuff unloaded."

"No problem, I needed to deliver a pizza here anyway, so you're actually helping me. It won't be as warm, but at lea- The hell's that?" Far off into the distance, a drone drifted across the road.

"Is that-"

"No, that doesn't have X-Com colors. This is definitely ADVENT."

"I have a shotgun, but I've never been good at hitting a moving target."

"We have a shooting range."

"One, that's for squad members. Two, this is not the time."

"I can distract it and give you a better shot, but I'll need the flare gun."


The trunk bounced unevenly as it caught up to the enemy drone. "This truck was not meant for offroad use, Ray!"

"Almost there..." With more luck than skill, Ray aimed the flare gun at the drone and scored a direct hit on it. "Stop!" The truck slowed down to a stop near the drone as it turned to face the direction the flare came from. Ray jumped out of the truck with the flare gun still in his hand and waved to the drone. "HEY, I'M A DISTRACTION! PAY NO ATTENTION TO ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES ME!"

The drone turned on Ray, electricity audibly humming throughout its body as it approached him....


The drone wobbled, damaged and disoriented, then managed to get back upright when - *BAM* - Lee's second shot downed it for good. "Really? Your master plan was literally telling it you were a distraction?"

"Hey, it worked, didn't it?"

Lee sighed. "It worked in spite of you. Look, we should probably get this to the lab folks ASAP. They might figure out what specifically ADVENT was looking for."

"Looks like someone's having cold pizza this evening. I guess I'll make it up to the lookout crew tomorrow..."

AN: Edited to reflect info about the drones from the QM.
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[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Hunt Advent Drones

Guys I already took care of the problem of the advent drones, it only needed 1 PA to do so and I omaked it.
No... by the update shooting the drones denies them info:
As the week comes to an end something odd gets noticed, Advent drones are flying overhead and trying to sneak around. They are apparently live streaming info about the town back, you need to take them out to eliminate the information they send and to collect that precious alloy. If they are scouting you now though, you can only assume they are preparing for a serious attack soon.
Emphasis mine. Given that this is a Riot quest, the more votes we have shooting up the drones the less intel they have for the assault.
Those two poor bastards aren't getting anything good lately are they?

Glad to see Twinkie has put the fear of X-com drones into Ray!
[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Hunt Advent Drones

"Hey Kyle?"
"Yeah Steve?"
"You ever miss KFC from back before the invasion?
"Sure do... Still can't believe that the company collapsed because the aliens managed to somehow bomb every single headquarters and warehouse. Got a fair few of the stores as well. I mean, what are the ch- 12 O'CLOCK, 500 METRES, by the old watertower!"
"I See it!"
"Damnit, missed the fan!"
"Shit, it's running Steve!"
"No it wasn't Kyle. It was just exposing itself so I could hit it better."
"Guess we'd better go grab the wreckage, so the boys in the warehouse can salvage any alloy from it. Oh, and have you given any thought on training as a sniper for the squads? Once we build a more powerful rifle that is."
"Nah, I figure that there's enough of us around that know how to shoot accurately at long range that someone else'll use it. Besides, if we want plenty of meat, we still need some of us to go hunting."
"Fair enough."
"So back to our talk about KFC. You want to try my Granny's latest attempt at replicating their chicken? I promise that it's better this time, and not spicy enough to leave you mouth on fire for the rest of the day. Still can't believe she accidently used six tablespoons of Freshly Ground Cayenne Pepper for a single chicken last time..."
"Only if you eat it first!"
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We also really need to finish the Lookout Stations, guys. The amount of Intel they can gather is limited; the vast majority of what they need can be teased from a few flybys. If we get caught with our pants down werew in trouble.
Those two poor bastards aren't getting anything good lately are they?

Glad to see Twinkie has put the fear of X-com drones into Ray!

To be fair, other than accidentally interrupting a class and running into Twinkie, Ray's been doing okay. Lee's also been keeping busy, but nothing traumatic has happened. As far as they're concerned, this was scary and nervewracking, but not the worst thing that could have happened.

And yes, Ray is very much aware of how scary a drone can be. :o
We also really need to finish the Lookout Stations, guys. The amount of Intel they can gather is limited; the vast majority of what they need can be teased from a few flybys. If we get caught with our pants down werew in trouble.
Absolutely. I'd also be concerned about provoking a larger assault if everyone went and shot up the Drones. That said, giving them almost free-reign to plan and prepare would be distinctly unpleasant. We have 6 Votes for Drone Hunting right now, which may be enough?
we also have a quest to get done...we need 2 cars for the quest now...
Yeah, but staying in good shape to appreciate the payout of the quest would be nice.
What do these drones look like? How fast are they going? And how high are they flying? Seem low to the ground but curious.