Heres some humor! hope you get well, also eat some apple slices if your not allergic to them, it might help!

Twinkie- Statement: I am not the drone you are looking for...

Advent solider: *whatever the fuck sound they make in a daze*

Twinkie-Statement: move along

Advent Solider: *again in a similar sound with hand motions while looking dazed*

Twinkie: *hums along as it moves to the advent truck that's housing the old cyber disks and remaining drones...*

the two stooges: "HOW THE F-"

Mayor: "Oh that? some science boys put some mumble jumbo about subsonic waves or something in that drone, said they got the idea from some old game or something called mass affect or whatever. all the time it was talking it was bending their minds or whatever...they vetted that it only works on the aliens however...still don't believe them but at least it keeps my headache away from dealing with you two idoits! Now about those watchtowers..."

The Two Stooges: *multiple groans of agony as they listen to the mayor chastising them, all the while in the background the drone army begins its crusade in the name of the Commander!*

This is playing in the background from the drones speakers...​
Be warned, the real gun youtubers(read: not people with ten minute videos where they spend the whole time talking about a stunt they do at 9:35) are not into the whole brevity thing.

[X] [Production] .50 Cal
[X] [Construction] Look outstation
[X] [Personal] Look outstation

What did you want as your Research choice?
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If someone can give me personal action values, I will update, before the cold medicine knocks me out again. It was done recently should only need minor updates.
If someone can give me personal action values, I will update, before the cold medicine knocks me out again. It was done recently should only need minor updates.


Barbwire: 1
Heavy kit:4
Lookout:11+ 5O
Extra Research Tools:4+ 3O
Bricks:2+ 2O
Alien alloy guns:2
Including omakes scaterd through the thread and not in vote posts we have

Barbwire 1
Heavy kit 4
Lookout station 15
Ammo supply 2
Sniper kit 2
Alien alloy bow and alloy 1
Research tools 7
Adobe blocks 4
Alien alloy guns and ammo 2
Week 6
Lvl 2 Shooting Range - 15 votes
.50 caliber machine gun - 12 votes
Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower - 10 votes
Town Resources:
CP: 250


Personal Actions:
Barbwire (15)
Heavy kit (60)
Lookout station (240)
Ammo supply (30)
Sniper kit (30)
Alien alloy bow and alloy (10)
Research tools (105)
Adobe blocks (60)
Alien alloy guns and ammo (20)
Veteran Level +2 has been around the block a few times
Long Range Strength +3 (4)
Short Range Strength +3 (5)
-----------Other Skills
Courage: 3
Medic: 2
Live Capture: 2 Years of police work has its perks.
---------Squad Make up
1)Assualt (Gives CQC+ 2)
2)Medic (Gives Medic +2)
3)Heavy (Adds the second attack)
4)Rifle Man
Assault rifle: 3/1
Pistol +0/+1
X-Blade: +0/+1
Kevlar Vest With plates: -2/-2
Veteran Level +2 has been around the block a few times
Long Range Strength +1 (+2)
Short Range Strength +4 (+6)
-----------Other Skills
Courage: 3
Live Capture: 2 Years of police work has its perks.
---------Squad Make up
1)Medic (Gives my medic+2)
2)Rifle Man
3)Rifle Man
4)Rifle Man
Pistol +0/+1
Kevlar Vest With plates: -2/-2
Long Range Strength +3
Short Range Strength +1
-----------Other Skills
Courage: 2
Medic: 2
---------Squad Make up
1)Medic: (Medic +2)
2)Rifle Man
3)Rifle Man
4)Rifle Man
Kevlar Vest: -1/-1
(Ammo has been rolled into one count for simplicity sakes)
In use 8

In use 4

.50 Cal:
In use 0
Extra 1
Ammo Stock Pile:8

Kevlar Vest:
In use:0

Kevlar Vest With plates:
In use:8

Alien Alloy:64

With an explosives range now built you have expanded your squad's options for firepower quite a bit. They are eager to start training with explosives, but it quickly becomes apparent that rockets and gernades could be another entire specality for a squad member. R&D could write a manual and look into the neccasary steps to do so.

You have finished a .50Cal and are already making great progress on the next.The gun workshop makes it so much quicker and easier with dedicated people just for the art of making firearms.
Studies continue on the arc thrower, R&D gives the usual excuses of needing more people money and equipment but sadly this wasn't a college town.

The barbwire around the trench gets finished and progress is made in dozens of other small projects, each of which sees granny suther drive her food truck and offer lunch or lemonade to them.

As the week comes to an end something odd gets noticed, Advent drones are flying overhead and trying to sneak around. They are apparently live streaming info about the town back, you need to take them out to eliminate the information they send and to collect that precious alloy. If they are scouting you now though, you can only assume they are preparing for a serious attack soon.

1 turn only personal action: Hunt Advent Drones (Gives 5 Alien alloy, or 10 Alien alloys and 1 Elerium with omake)

Formalized Military:
-Construct Gunsmithy
-Construct Level 2 Range
-Construct Specialist Training Center

-Produce Kevlar Uniforms for most squads
-Produce 2 armored Cars with 50. Cals
Unlock Quest from X-Com: Quest From X-Com can give a huge research boost, Alien Alloy, weapons or armor
Unlock Hunter Squad Quest
Rebel refugees will start coming to you

Take down the Base:
Week 10 have an attack force ready and send them to the Lufkin forces
Not Dying
Large amounts of alloy
Improved relations
Resistance Command Center: With a connection to the resistance network you can now make a full command tactical center which will monitor your own war effort as well as allow other resistors to find you which may be new squads or bring supplies. May make you a larger target of Advent (10/1000 CP)

Look outstations: The ranches can be rebuilt to house some people with binoculars and various other tools to see people coming. Increases the odds you detect enemy forces on the way. (515/1000 CP)

Level 2 Trench: Expanding the trench to be wider and deeper. Also makes it out of brick and stones rather than just lose dirt.
Adds a few deep steel spikes to disable any vehicle that drives into it. (5/1800)

Level 2 Hydroponics Center: Adding another floor to the building as well as rain collectors and solar power. Greatly increases food production and self-sufficiency. (25/400)

Level 2 Military Shooting Range: Adds an explosive training field, so that soldiers may train with and bring explosives into combat (10/250)
-Unlocks multiple explosive options

Level 2 Gym: Increased equipment and experts making actual training plans, soldiers may now carry an additional piece of gear. (5/250)

Level 2 Expanded Construction Center: With fully functioning mess halls, organization center and stockpile centers you can further increase how much construction can be done. (500 CP)
+50 Base Construction Points per turn

Level 2 Expanded production Center: With fully functioning mess halls, organization center and stockpile centers you can further increase how much production can be done. (50/500 CP)
+50 Base production Points per turn

Level 2 Expanded Research Center: With fully functioning mess halls, organization center and stockpile centers you can further increase how much production can be done. (500 CP)
+50 Base Research Points per turn

Car Modification: Adding real armor to the car as well as modifying them to hold a 50.Cal (still have to build the 50.cals) and other various modifications like the door changes to make them effective military vehicles (250 PP each squad)
-Allows a 50.Call on the car
-Adds a 5th person to the squad

Kevlar Uniforms: Kevlar can be made flexible now, allowing for uniforms that actually slow down a bullet or lase. Includes various useful things like a Front load carrier as well as reinforced knees and elbows.
(50 PP per squad)

Kevlar Duster: Additional armor that takes up a squads equipment slot but does provide some additional protection and health also gives a small bonus for stealth for containing heat and breaking apart the human shape (50 PP per squad)

Grenades: Equipes one squad with simple fragmentation grenades takes the equipment slot and adds a short-range bonus (75)

MLG: "Multiple grenade launchers" and the grenades to fill them for several members of a squad, takes an equipment slot and applies the grenade bonus to both ranges. (125)

Hardened steel ballistic plates with kevlar carriers: There is a surprisingly easy method of making ballistic plate body armor. Inside a kevlar carrier, they now offer significantly more protection. (100 PP per squad) (65/75)

Alien alloy breastplates and helmets: Not quite matching advents full body armor, but close enough. These are much stronger than ballistic plates and simple to make, at the cost of taking a very limited resource. (50 PP and 25 Alien alloys)

A batch of assault rifles or shotguns: An assembly line of the guns you most commonly produce to quickly equip the greatest possible number of soldiers. (50PP per 5)

Medic Kit: Includes everything a medic needs to practice their craft. Converts one rifleman into a medic, max one per squad. (15/20 PP)

Assualt Kit: Includes everything an assault needs to practice their craft. Converts one rifleman into an assault, max one per squad. (20 PP)

Improved Assualt kit: Includes everything an assault needs to practice their craft. Converts one rifleman into an assault, max one per squad. (20 PP+10 Alien Alloy)

Heavy Kit: A single squad automatic weapon and everything else a heavy need to practice their craft. Converts one rifleman into a heavy, max one per squad. (10/50 PP)

Sniper Kit: A single designated marksman rifle and everything else a sniper needs to practice their craft. Converts one rifleman into a sniper, max one per squad. (30/50 PP)

Weapon Customization: Every member of every squad has a wish list for there weapon. Jungle style magazines, red dot laser sights or custom stocks you can knock out the better thought out of any given wish list to give them a bonus in ranged combat. (25 PP per squad)

Ammo Stockpile: Everyone has a few magazines at the moment but extra ammo could be spent to enhance training and make soldiers feel a bit better knowing they have more ammo than what is on their person. (10 Points Each)

.50 Cal: A thing of destructive beauty a single .50 Caliber machine gun to be bolted to a truck bed, or a fixed heavy weapons position. (50/100 PP each)

Level 2 Extra construction Tools: With people supplied with the basics you can now focus on bigger efforts like a few tool trucks and power tools for the average layman who wants to help. (250 PP)
+5 Construction Points per construction dedicated personal action

Level 2 Extra Production Tools: With people supplied with the basics you can now focus on bigger efforts like a few tool trucks and power tools for the average layman who wants to help. (10/250 PP)
+5 Production Points per Production dedicated personal action

Level 1 Extra Research Tools: With so many volunteers you need to quickly build the most basic tools so they can have a bigger impact. (50/100 PP)
+5 Research Points per research dedicated the personal action

Level 2 Extra Research Tools: With people supplied with the basics you can now focus on bigger efforts like a few tool trucks and power tools for the average layman who wants to help. (65/250 PP)
+5 Research Points per Research dedicated the personal action

Level 1 Alien alloy construction tools: A great improvement over normal tools and not terribly difficult to make, at the cost of using a limited resource. (100 PP and 50 Alien alloys)
+5 Construction points per construction dedicated personal action.

Level 2 Alien Alloy Production tools: Adding even more tools to the stockpile so a great many more people get to use alien alloy tools. (200 PP and 100 Alien alloys)
+5 production points per production dedicated personal action.

Level 1 Alien alloy Research tools: A great improvement over normal tools and not terribly difficult to make, at the cost of using a limited resource. (100 PP and 50 Alien alloys)
+5 research points per Research dedicated personal action.

Adobe Bricks for the wall: Most of that soil that was dug up is usable with some of the towns other resources to make adobe bricks for the wall it is a simple material but can be made thick enough to be bulletproof and is quite literally dirt cheap. (100/300 PP)

Barbwire for around the trench: A simple anti-personnel measure to stop them from crawling or running into the trench. (140/150 PP)

Alien Alloy Expertise: You now can do incredibly intricate and fine work with the alien alloy. (60/250)

Alien Alloy Guns and ammo Unlocks the ability to produce guns made with Alien alloy components where it will have the maximum effectiveness increase. (25/100)

Alien Allow Bows and arrows: Unlocks the ability to produce powerful compound bows and arrows made of the alien alloy. (15/100)

Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower: The ability to capture advent troops alive would mean valuable information and possibly equipment and it is probably a good idea to know how to make more arc throwers before risking your only one in combat. (295/500 RP)

Demolitions manual: Develop a standardized training method, and the production process to have explosive focused soldiers equipped with RPGs and MLGs they also unlock other explosive options (500 RP)
Sorry, it's a bit short guys, I wanted to get it out, but this has been a fairly seriousness illness, I've been pretty much dead for four days now. I'm mostly over it and expect to be fully functioning tomorrow or the next day.
[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Lookout Stations

Rationale: Get the Lookouts done this turn if possible. Kevlar Uniforms because a single production action will make enough to equip all 3 squads. Continue work on arc thrower.

For personals, let's focus on the Lookout, but an action on Kevlar vest with plates will finish it so we can equip squad 3 with them. An action+omake on Sniper will create another Specialist there, same with Improved or regular Assault.

EDIT: Omake

The old-style paper chart made a gentle "thud" noise as Dr. Nathan Thuir dropped it into the rack at the back of the tiny office. "Alright, that's Stace Miller sorted. Ten days of bactrim, stop by the office day the script ends for a UA/CS. How goes it, Meg?" He said.

His secretary/office manager/pharmacist/ruler of the practice leaned back in her chair. "Not much, Nate. With everyone out and about fighting the Advent nobody has time to make their appointments." She smiled. "Probably doing them a lot of good. All you have this afternoon is the Henderson kid. Again."

Dr. Thuir leaned against the wall. "Good for now, I suppose. Although once we start running low on medicine and supplies..." he trailed off as his eyes tracked across the gleaming new AutoPharm (tm) drug safe installed in the office wall, and the miracle meds (or poisons) courtesy of the Advent and their alien overlords. "Well, I'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I guess I'll be dusting off my trauma surgery skills, what little there are of them, and fixing what comes of hasty construction and no safety standards. What's the Hendersons want?"

"Kid has the sniffles again. Wants to see you. Same ol', same ol'." Megan snarked. "But no other appointments. Want to call it a day?"

The doctor stood, drumming his fingers against his thigh. "No..." He said slowly. "Call the Hendersons while I get my bag. I think I'll stop there on my way out and do a quick checkup on my way out of town. Someone needs to go keep an eye on those idiots killing themselves building those lookout stations. It might as well be me."
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As the week comes to an end something odd gets noticed, Advent drones are flying overhead and trying to sneak around. They are apparently live streaming info about the town back, you need to take them out to eliminate the information they send and to collect that precious alloy. If they are scouting you now though, you can only assume they are preparing for a serious attack soon.

1 turn only personal action: Hunt Advent Drones (Gives 5 Alien alloy, or 10 Alien alloys and 1 Elerium with omake)
This means that our focus this turn absolutely needs to be getting the Lookout Stations done. We could also try hunting down the advent drones as personal actions with extra, but it seems to mostly be a resource gathering action more than anything? It would probably unlock Elerium Research if someone did it with an omake, but we have the arc thrower to finish up and the explosive training manual to do.
@Zedalb since Squad 1 has 3 Specialists, shouldn't they be Veteran +3?

Also, can you differentiate Kevlar Uniforms, Dusters, and Plates for us?
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[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Hardened steel ballistic plates with kevlar carriers

Probably going to be too distracted to make an omake, may edit one in later. It should be noted I'm doing Kevlar Uniforms since they're part of the quest and all, while still providing better defense.
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I'll go ahead and say i'll spend a personal action and write an omake for hunt advent drones so we can unlock elerium research.
[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Car Modification
[X] [Construction] Lookout Stations
[X] [Production] Kevlar Uniforms
[X] [Research] Reverse Engineering Arc Thrower
[X] [Personal] Lookout Stations