Magus Killer wisdom

You look over at Kritsugu, he is far more experience than you are in this line of business, Magnus does have more experience but Rin may get supsicious later on if you rely overly too much on the Crimson King.

<A wise move, push it onto the Magus Killer who himself has a bone to pick with at least Kotomine Kirei> said Crimson King compliments you.

The Magus Killer does not need to be told what your gaze implies. Sighing Kiritsugu goes over to the tap and pours himself a glass of water. "That depends on how do you want to go about this Tohsaka san" he answers for you.

"Do you want to try and take immediate personal action, which may or may not succeed and would probably result in your death" he explains flatly. "Or do you wish to try a more indirect route, hiring a group to do it for you, with Kotomine Kirei it will not be easy, if I were not in my current condition then perhaps I could probably defeat him if I had an advantage."

Rin opens her mouth to speak but you silence her quickly, Kiritsugu has yet to explain all of the options available to her "then there is the more difficult option, that is to wait, to bide your time until you are strong enough yourself."

"I can't wait that long" Rin snaps and then flinches at the cold stare that she received from Kiritsugu. Mustering her courage the young girl spoke "Sakura is in that manor with that dead apostle defiling her, I can't just let that continue."

"The matter with a Dead Apostle and the matter with Kotomine Kirei are to separate situations" Kiritsugu states. "One can be dealt with easily, report to the church the activities of this dead apostle and they will send their executioners, however that is a problem since Kotomine is one of said executioners."

<Strange that a man with such twisted morals claims to be a man of piety, then again, that depends on which god they follow and the defines the term 'pious'> Magnus's words leave your thoughts spinning as to what he meant.

"That said you are going to have to remove Kotomine before you can petition for the destruction of this dead apostle" the Magus Killer informs Rin. "I doubt you could play the two of them against each other since the Dead Apsotle is still around though I might suspect Kotomine Kirei is aware of it's existence."

The Crimson King' words now float inside of your head <while she may not have the might to defeat her legal guardian or save the sister that she abandoned, that is but a small barrier for us to overcome.> You are not sure you are liking where this is going <if you and I were to strengthen our ling to the immaterium more of my powers would be restored> Magnus explained. <With that your rate would increase exponentially, though it does run the risk of mutation, but mastering the flesh change is but a small trifle when you learn how to.>

That is a tempting idea, it would enable you to help Sakura, you rather liked talking that girl and she has done nothing to desire. But Magnus did make you aware of the risks, but he failed to mention losing your soul for some reason.

"Emiya san" Rin's voice snaps you out of your musings regarding potential power.

You realise that you must have been lost in deep thought or at least appeared to be. "My apologies, Tohsaka san I was merely considering the options available."

"Yes" Tohsaka agrees it seems that you may have missed out something important.

<Kiritsugu suggested that she gain a sponsor in Clocktower who casn help her with this, the Queen of Clocktower as she is called would not take well to discovering a Dead Apostle that could hide so masterfully for over 200 years. Kotomine Kirei she will have to deal with more discretely gaining allies to help her kill him eventually and she was just about to ask you to be the first person on that list as her first official ally. Rather touching isn't it?> Once again you are grateful that Magnus pays attention to just about everything.

[] Accept Toshaka's offer, let her hold the mage that you know what she is thinking or about to say, since she already has that image of you.

[] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.

[] Refuse Tohsaka's offer, state that as you are now, you will not be of much use until you have improved.

While Rin goes back to bed so she can rest, it has been a tiring day for her, you return to your workshop to review your work.

<I have set up the wards> Magnus informs you <no matter what we do here, nothing warp related will breach through this workshop>

[]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[] Smite Rank 02
-[] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[]Iron Arm Rank 02
-[]Endurance Rank 03
-[] Warp Strength 01
-[]Warp Speed Rank 02
-[]Regeneration Rank 01

[]Practice Divination (choose 4)
-[]Precognition rank 02
-[]Scrier's Gaze rank 02
-[]Perfect Timing Rank 02
-[]Prescience Rank 02
-[]Forewarning Rank 03
-[]Foreboding Rank 02

[] Explore other areas (choose up to 2)
-[] Telekinesis
-[] Pyromancy
-[] Telepath

[] Explore into the power of Sorceror (choose up to 2)
-[]Geomortis Discipline
-[]Ectomancy Discipline
-[]Heretech Disipline
-[]Sinistrum Discipline
-[]Common Powers
-[] Tzeentch Psychic Powers (Avaiable due to Magnus)

[] Take Magnus up on his suggestion to gain more power and immerse yourself in the warp.

[] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)

[] Work on making the Nemesis force weapon using the Azoth sword template

[] Practice channeling Warp Energy through the Azoth Sword (free action)

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Prepare for the contempt of the warp if we fail
[X] Accept Toshaka's offer, let her hold the mage that you know what she is thinking or about to say, since she already has that image of you.

[X] Take Magnus up on his suggestion to gain more power and immerse yourself in the warp.
[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
[X] Practice channeling Warp Energy through the Azoth Sword (free action)


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[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Smite Rank 02
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
-[X] Warp Strength 01
-[X]Warp Speed Rank 02
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Smite Rank 02
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X]Endurance Rank 03
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)

We need more bIo to fix Kiritsugu right?
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Smite Rank 02
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X]Endurance Rank 03
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.

[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X] Warp Strength 01
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
-[X]Endurance Rank 03

[X] Take Magnus up on his suggestion to gain more power and immerse yourself in the warp.
-[X] be cautious on the usage of the warp, and take it step by step, if anything feels wrong pull back immediately and use biomancy to fix the damage.

[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was referring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)

why do I keep getting the feeling that Shiro will eventually end up with multiple girls after him sooner or later when they hit their teenage years?
Poor fool is going to have the sisters after him, and during the grail war depending on who we summon, we might end up with either Scathach (WERE GOONA HALP HER!!! in return we get a chaos god to die! maybe?) or Arturia (Oh boy, depends on which version we would be hilarious if we get the one with the lance/drill)
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.

[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X] Warp Strength 01
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
-[X]Endurance Rank 03

[X] Take Magnus up on his suggestion to gain more power and immerse yourself in the warp.
-[X] be cautious on the usage of the warp, and take it step by step, if anything feels wrong pull back immediately and use biomancy to fix the damage.

[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was referring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.

So I don't know how many we're actually allowed to pick here. Is it just one block and one single?

[X] Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X] Endurance Rank 03
-[X] Warp Strength 01
-[X] Regeneration Rank 01

[X] Practice Divination (choose 4)
-[X] Precognition rank 02
-[X] Perfect Timing Rank 02
-[X] Forewarning Rank 03
-[X] Foreboding Rank 02

[X] Explore other areas (choose up to 2)
-[X] Telekinesis
-[X] Telepath

[X] Explore into the power of Sorceror (choose up to 2)
-[X] Ectomancy Discipline
-[X] Common Powers

[X] Take Magnus up on his suggestion to gain more power and immerse yourself in the warp.
-[X] be cautious on the usage of the warp, and take it step by step, if anything feels wrong pull back immediately and use biomancy to fix the damage.
[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was referring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
[X] Work on making the Nemesis force weapon using the Azoth sword template
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Smite Rank 02
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X]Endurance Rank 03
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Smite Rank 02
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X]Endurance Rank 03
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)

this is space velocity...and this is a fate quest...yeah I can see shirou becoming a chick magnet unintentionally, even worse now because of his stats.

possible have teasing material from Magnus? would be awkward as heck, but then again magi politics are weird...around medieval ages and with the insanity that's bound to happen...well not looking forward to what's going to happen this grail war.

I wonder how EMIYA will react to this version of himself? considering that he's on his way of becoming a primaris sorcerer...heck he might end up as a strong beta class pysker at best!!! (that's my best hopeful standard...if he ends up a alpha because of a Magnus? Gaia and Alaya better watch out...because one snap and Shirou ends up reshaping the world to his will.)
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Smite Rank 02
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X]Endurance Rank 03
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)
[X] Let Tohsaka finish and then accept, give off the impression that you already knew but were just waiting to be polite.
[X]Practice Biomancy (choose 4)
-[X] Smite Rank 02
-[X] Enfeeble Rank 01
-[X]Endurance Rank 03
-[X]Regeneration Rank 01
[X] Inquire about that thing Magnus was refrring to a while back (inquire about Scathach) (free action)