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  • Just got into TSL and remembered that there's a TSW quest running around but it seems I have missed the party.
    Oh well, expect a likebomb or two in the future :p.
    oh thanks :) well I could still return to it so don't lose hope
    and since it's when it fail that it's dramatic people, especially nowadays, would not be able to take that and would react with a lot of anger.
    That reflexion is born out of a lot of thinking and experience is resumed, badly, here in less than 2k words. So while it may be quite nebulous My point of view on it will not change. Taylor in the buzzing is mortal and will be mortal for immortality removes drama, fear of consequence and peoples stupidity.
    Well, I was gonna give you another poke about your quest, since I'd started playing SWL a bit more, recently. That pretty much kills my interest in the quest, though. Immortality is a fully integral part of the Bees, and there's still plenty of ways to have consequences to dying despite that, given Taylor doesn't exist in a vacuum.
    NO! Immortality is a great source of drama you can't die when you are tortured. You'll outlive everyone you know: family, loved ones, acquaintances, EVERYONE. In short, don't take immortality. If it is good to register this moment, readers will enjoy this.
    I SAY ALL!
    P.S. Write me
    About death. I'm disagree about this. Bee must be immortal. Not Brand immortal, but immortal. Remember Bee, that got caught Orochi. He's be tortured. Amputated legs, hands and enclosed in a cocoon. Above him conducted experiments. And his ALIVE. Fate worth than death. Remember Lilith. She amputated protaginist legs and tortured him.The examples are endless. Do you still think that immortality will kill all the drama?
    First: are you ukrainian? Are Russians?
    I'm french, but I know a little russian it is however quite far away in my memory and I don't remember a whole lot of it. Maybe I while learn it again if I found the time, I quite liked it.
    THD v2.0 was good. It's problem? Timing. When I come back to it, don't expect huge change apart from chapter organisation.
    I couldn't have explained to you what I intended without spoiling everything that's why arc 1 was badly done. It should have hit like a hammer in two chapter and not 8. this is going to be corrected.
    thanks for the supports you gave me for those who liked it enough.

    Try, Fail, Rince, Repeat, Try, Fail, Rince, Repeat and continue till your dead or victorious.
    Update for the Buzzing still kicking your ass? =P
    Sorry to hear that. I'll cross my fingers that things'll work out for you.
    well just lost my job, good news is that I have nothings better to do than writing now. Now scuse me cause I'am going to get drunk, crawl under something and hope to die.
    Well... that sucks balls.
    Happy coincidence really. It wasn't until just after I finished that first post for my quest that I noticed yours. So now I'm catching up on yours.
    There is someone or something out there laughing at us x)
    Is it weird that I now want to see a sort of kinda-crossover, with Taylor somehow managing to burn down Winslow (figuratively or literally; I'd be fine with either) and gets herself a transfer to Innsmouth Academy?
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