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  • Hey Eye! Good to see you acttive again, though my reading queue is REALLY long right now. Still, your new thing is defintely on it, and cut ahead quite a bit from just being slapped on the end as well :)
    Good to be back! And very glad to hear you have such faith in Hel and I's writing :p
    just wanna know how is life
    is life. keeps going okay for a bit and then kicking me in the gut emotionally, something medical makes my week suck, and stress keeps piling up because judgemental assholes keep visiting without warning and telling me they're disappointed at how i live
    Is there anything we can do to help?
    Want a random fact?
    Oh god, there's more than one of them?! Taylor will be so frustrated trying to herd them all!
    If the main one finds it you go blind iirc
    Your mouth also has an immune system.
    There's yet another immune system that's specific to early embryos and the placenta, which is focused on suborning tissue and preventing detection. Technically nothing's all that special about the uterus. You could implant a blastocyst anywhere in anyone and it would at least start growing, although most places would result in it starving and dying.

    Isn't nature fascinating?
    Marcaline the vampire queen is my best girl thoughts on her?
    That's the girl from adventure time, right?
    Ethan Eldritch
    Ethan Eldritch
    Yup if you've never watched it, if you have the free time then you should consider it great show. Marcaline is my favorite character
    I am free at last.
    Ominous and worrying. You doing ok?
    its scary but im finally away from an abusive caregiver :)
    Worrying u were dealing with that but good ur no longer doing so. Hope it improves ur living situation!
    Sorry to bug you but have you ever watched rick and morty and if so have you thought of writing Eye meeting Rick
    I haven't. I should get around to it though, it seems pretty good.
    Just wanna say again I love Eden's Edge. I mentioned briefly I'm writing my own version of a Sonnie's Edge/Worm cross that I'm hoping is a unique-enough spin. (Greg as a male!Khanivore, made into the Beastie by his Welsh Uncle who moved "across the pond" after Greg lost his parents.)
    my first thought is 'ugh, greg' bt is its an interesting premise
    good luck :D
    question how long is the problem in genesis going to take i can't handle angst i hate angst it sends me down dark paths and bothers me so fucking much to the point i will drop great stories and i dont want drop Edens edge im on genesis 2.5 may you please tell me how long it will take for the problem to be solved. please i really don't deal well with angst.
    what's the problem? it'll most likely have been solved by the end of the arc
    it's just a personal thing for me thanks for telling me though
    Sorry about responding to Ravenwood240's original post in your thread and possibly derailing and causing an argument, I'm just a little tired of shit I have been seeing on twitter so I got a little more upset than I usually would, I'll disengage and let you handle it
    It's fine. Ravenwood was the one I was directing the aggression comment towards anyway.
    Thank you, but I was mostly meaning his second post aimed at my response to him, I saw you quoted him but I also still decided it was a sign that its probably better I don't chew him out like I want to
    Could I get a link, or at least directions, to the pic you are using as an avatar?

    It'd make a fine addition to my collection.

    Reverse search has proved less than successful in providing something of acceptable res.
    Started reading Totally Storming It tonight. I'm up to E4S3 and I'd just like to thank you for how similar to real life your writing is. Most 'angsty' stories I stop reading quite quickly because they're grossly unrealistic, but I am actually finding myself sympathizing with your characters and feeling like they're real people. For context, I very rarely think any writer's characters feel like real people.
    YASSSS we did good! Is there anything you can identify that makes them... feel more real to you? I'm curious and a total slut for feedback
    Mostly, having some random thoughts about stuff and not a thousand words of existential angst every time someone feels down. Can't really put it into words beyond that. I suffer from self-diagnosed depression so I may not be the best source of feedback with regard to this.
    Totally Losing It is an awesome story. Long, extended conversations about inane and off the wall topics, interspersed with ultra-violence.

    It's like Mass Effect, the Movie as directed by Tarantino. :D
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