• Hey, it's been ages since I've said a light hello, or passive comment. But in light of the whole Pandemic...

    I just hope you're OK, alright and safe.
    Master Basher
    Master Basher
    As for an "Angel" Dumbledore, I don't believe he 'needs' to be an Angel 'strictly', in this. But in contact with Celeste/Heaven, if not Reapers under initially wanting to be a "Master of Death"; only to end up becoming buddies with them instead. Might not mean much, outside of a 'hypothetical' Obi-Wan moment... Or being bound to afterlife service, at a stretch though.
    Master Basher
    Master Basher
    The last thought I've been thinking on, is the 'idea' of Mao's Overlord father, "switching" Harry Potter's Primary School to "Evil Academy", and the Dursleys just going 'onboard' with it if it'd remove a 'freak' from them. Under the lens/excuse of giving Mao a minion "playpal" to be less hermetic with. But no doubt it'd lead to a "Demon Mage" Harry, stuck with handling/helping Mao, in his melodrama.
    Master Basher
    Master Basher
    But no doubt it'd likely lead to a case of Harry Potter having to deal with "Pre-Disgaea 3" shenanigans in Evil Academy, which 'might' be a bit more 'easier' compared to his own/old "home" (boarding school wise.) But full to the brim with ambitious, and bullying Demons. To the point of training montages... And woe befall if Mao gets to Hogwarts; as he's either full Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.
    Thanks for always watching Passing Through Traveler, even if not much traveling goes on right now.
    Looking through quests and such, I noticed a bit too many talk about this "Sage Dice." Rolling around, even if said GM is not really GMing in this forum.

    I prefer the term being "Omake Dice", especially when you get a team of oh, "Thomas the Write Engine"s, armed with stunt awards of +1/3 on a d20, that also leads to that insane luck, or at least advert glorious hue rolls. :p
    Sorry for being annoying/rude/offensive, but what happened to the Naruto Quest? you said the update was coming and nothing....
    So, how's things going in regards to the quest? Would hate for it to be dead...
    Been unimaginably busy lately. Work has been really crazy lately and has thrown me off a little. I got a little more than a thousand words at the moment, but I have just been too busy to finish. I should have some free time shortly though.

    I swear, what is it with red shirts not dying in droves in this quest?
    Maybe it's a sign that this quest isn't meant to have redshirts that die in droves?
    Well, as long as they're our redshirts, hopefully. :)

    Hope you'll catch a break and have some free time soon, though, whether you want to use it to work on the quest or not. Being busy all the time isn't fun.
    Hey Sly, good to see you on here! Will you be joining Trouble With Krogans again once it gets loaded up on here?
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