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  • I will write up something for Topple Kingdom on Friday probably, don't really have the time during the week. Just so you don't think I forgot about it^^
    You fine? Should we expect update in Topple Kingdom thread anytime? Or are you busy with RL?
    I was waiting for people to post, then got distracted when they failed to. I'll get a post up tonight.
    Oh and Shephard, before I forget it, feel free to use the other character (The Fairy child magician.) I came up with as an NPC or anything like that.
    Would having Demonic and Angelic Contacts at the same time be doable? I kinda wanted to take the "Incredibly Unlucky" drawback, but couldn't think of another trait that would suit the character. I just find the idea of having a Demon trying to corrupt my character at the same time as a Angel tries to redempt him amusing. Especially if they bicker a lot with each other too^^
    It'd be difficult, but definitely doable.
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Hmmmmm.... after some consideration, I think I will drop the idea and stay with the basic sheet I put together already.
    So, I'm given to understand you are quite familiar with the various WH40K RPGs. I have a question, if you please. Which is the best mechanically? Like, the one least likely to explode or have weird results?

    I've been interested in them for a while, but I'm not going to spend money on something with a broken system if possible.
    They're basically identical, with incremental changes that have fixed a few things (Full auto being best, skills being merged) and broken others (Accurate is OP, economy systems get worse, Mighty Shot has gotten more broke each game, power armor is somehow even worse). They're all crap. I can convo you for more details?
    Hmm. I guess there's not much I can do besides look up houserules, huh?

    I would appreciate more info though, thank you.
    We're all still waiting for half life 3 shepherd. *sniff* we all are.....
    Alas, just as the true hero of the Half-Life series is...Half Life 3 is still in statis.
    Out of curiosity, are there any other D&D 5th Edition books out apart from Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual and Player's Handbook? Just double-checking so I don't miss any.
    Just some adventures. There's some unearthed arcana(basically homebrew by the developers) on the website but those aren't necessary. You can get by with just the players manual.
    Invited you to a conversation with Conil and I. Doing an Ironbreakers omake to help out the Space Wolves and Crimson Crusaders in Swordomatic's AU Chapter Master Quest, want to take a look?
    Hey Shephard?Are you Shephard 12 on SB?
    Mr. Happy
    Mr. Happy
    It will be awhile while I read the rule book.
    Mr. Happy
    Mr. Happy
    Who are the people the Orgyn's smashing on page 15?
    Selveran Dominate Rebels, I believe. They're one of the countless little rebel empires across the stars, and you won't be meeting them because this takes place in Deathwatch's setting, not Only War's.
    What year is The Watch based in? And if it's somewhere in the near Future, did Iraq and Afghanistan happen?
    I suppose I'm being an incoherent idiot right now. I'll show myself out for today, since I really need sleep.

    Have a pleasant day.
    It's fine. Sorry if I seemed rude. I didn't mean such.

    You as well comrade.
    It's alright, I've been mouthing off questions faster than my brain can process them anyway. No harm done/no offense taken.

    Hey Shep, what would you say to my character's backstory in Black Seven being a retired Combat Engineer getting into an unfortunate run-in with a Demonic Cult trying to use him and the other tenants in his apartment as sacrifices.
    Yo dude, I requisitioned some Bolt Pistol Rounds for you. Have 3 Normal mags and a mag full of Inferno Shells on me.
    D'you think I should strap those Satchel Charges to myself and blow up Jerichus with them? I have 4 Fate Points, I can spare to lose 1.
    At this rate, the charges wouldn't even work.
    Yeah, but nothing short of Anti-Tank weapons is going to put that fucker down.

    I can get Wrath of the Righteous and automatically trigger an RF, but that requires burning Fate.
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