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  • To the lone cactus and its pet bird that are intensely waiting. The next chapter of Zero's Rogue is complete and just needs to be edited.
    It will mark the first chapter of the second Arc, and should mark the beginning of a schedule that'll have another chapter out every 2 weeks. This is possible due to finally sitting down and making a comprehensive outline of the next two arcs that was almost 6K words.
    Hey, you apparently have experience as a freelance unpaid editor/sounding board. How'd you get into that? And what are some of your favorite stories? (That you helped with or in general, either way.)
    I feel kind of bad asking for those first two, since it's basically just unpaid writing advice, even if it helps me write the free "here is how psychology/good stories/general art I've seen works" essay I've been idly planning for a while.
    Something that would help a lot though, without treading on the toes of your embryonic business, is introducing me to a writing group.
    I'd also be interested in "war stories" from your time as an unpaid editor, mostly for entertainment value.
    ...Hey, this is probably why we write journals.
    It is, and please, take this to PMs XD

    Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of all of this being on my profile for everyone to see. But I can't really respond in full here. And believe me, I could write thousands of words in response.
    Just, word your question in a PM and I promise I'll answer it after I get out of School later.(college)
    Who is this "emotional eternal loli" your sig speaks of?
    It's a general statement. Anytime a psycho character is mentioned Questers go nuts. But in actual play, it's the eternal loli everyone ends up loving, and the psychopaths end up hated because well... they're mean. Go figure.
    Though in that exact case, it was Rose from my old "The Eternal Struggles of a Minor Death" quest.
    That Disgaea quest of yours looks really interesting, you still continuing it?
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Isn't there a recruitment thread in the quest area? You could go and give a call on who would be interested in you continuing/restarting and see how many people join in. I get that one doesn't feel all that motivated when the feedback doesn't roll in though.
    It's not really about motivation. Without at least four regular voters who are willing to discuss, a Quest _cannot_ continue. My all time high was 3. And yeah, the recruitment thread is useless because everyone spams it with their Quests and then doesn't actually go to anyone else's. I did try though.
    Hey, once upon a time I read it. Usually when I was posting a link, so most of the recruits you'd get are probably busy, but still.
    Hello! Just wanted to drop and say hi. How you been?
    Uh, quite a bit busier than I'd like.
    It's like, I somehow manage to forget how much work College is every single week.. Like I go back to class after my days off thinking 'It's just four classes, I'll have plenty of free time.' Fucking blasphemy XD
    Other than that I've been pretty swell, had a lot of fun with some stuff, lots of work done. Just wish it wasn't so hard to actually write my updates, like, my quests need updates baaaad. As does my story.
    What about you?
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Same same, I too need to
    update my quest but life keeps getting in the way. I have been getting better at focusing though thanks to ADD meds so
    here's hoping to a better and more productive future!
    Current to do list: (Up to edits) 1.. NRW post 3; 2. NRW 'The Contract' Omake; 3. Zero's Rogue Update
    RDQ very suddenly died I guess XD. So I've been using my sudden time to advance one of my own projects, the FoZ OC test.
    (Instead of, you know, AP like a responsible person.) So expect to see at-least the first integration of the FoZ OC test, within the next week or two.
    With the contest over with, I have free time for RDA and AP(Poor AP) again! So expect more prompt updates.
    So I was late with my submission due to timezone reasons. My post was decidedly placed in RDQ for any who desperately want to see it for lul
    I finished in time, but the thread is locked for some reason. I have submitted it through PM, and am now worried about timezones.
    I have to finish the April contest submission. It's almost done, but I fear it may be slightly late. Oh well... I'll send it in regardless.
    Gotta update RDQ, work on AP,(after 20 days, *sheepish)and then finish my April contest submission. Operation busy week is a go!
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