• Oh how I wish I had been interesting in The Silmarillion when you made your sequel to Great is the Fall of Gondolin.
    Hey Sayle, I really enjoyed your From the Ashes quest and I was wondering if you were ever going to return to it?
    Inspiration waxes and wanes. The book-keeping was quite complicated as well. I'll likely return to it at some point in future when the itch to write more appears or I have an idea for refining the mechanics.
    the swarm
    the swarm
    I have been curiouse for a few years now what the federation actually thought about the Kathalondan both the complete physical separation and not knowing how they convey emotions or the short range telepathy that must leave some empty spots in translation (Pakled in a way?borg-ish?) make us perhaps sound cold and detached in conversations
    the quest got nuked,what happened?
    Suspect there will be a mod post about people not treating unpleasant things with the proper respect.
    I hate to pester you, but just to check will Fantasy World Internet Cafe ever return? It's one of the best quests, in fact, one of the best crossovers I've ever had the privilege to read. The concept is really original and fun, so much potential and you expressed it so richly and vibrantly.
    I've considered revisiting it and continuing it as a story, although I'd probably tackle it differently without having to make it a quest format. For the moment though I'm occupied with From the Ashes. If you want to read a story like it I recommend Black Tech Internet Cafe. You can find it online from sites like Wuxiaworld.
    Thanks for the update. Wish I could give you a hug and informative simultaneously but this will have to suffice. I honestly think it could work just as well if not better in a story format - honestly, anything you write is a treat to read. You are among a rare class of writer/QM that I wait with eager anticipation for your next update.
    Sorry if that sounds pressuring, I love From the Ashes just as much and look forward to its future eagerly. No rush with whatever future works you have, I know whatever you do next, it will be great. I just feel honoured to be able to bear witness.
    Sorry I missed your birthday, but I still wish that it was a happy one! Would've done incredible work with your quests and it's been a great honor to read them!
    Hey, Sayle; SomebodyNobody10 said that there's this awesome Stellaris game thats going to happen in a few hours. Can I join in?
    Sorry, but there aren't any AI civs you could take over.
    Orion Scimatarii
    Orion Scimatarii
    Thank you for your reply anyway, hope the game goes well.

    Long time no speak!

    How goes it?

    I cursed aloud when I saw you'd started up another empire builder and I'd missed it lol!
    I see you there, liking stuff on Silver and Steel.

    There is still an opportunity, Skippy! Several players just got destroyed!
    Yeah that game was wonderful. Tho in retrospect, a lot of my strategies could have been better! If I'd gone full hog on the Reman invasion for example, then I wouldn't have ended up quite as deep in the proverbial Prestige gutter later on!


    Oooh, really?

    Sayle Sayle Sayleee
    Hm... I did try oils, but...
    Well how far does this fraud conspiracy go? Are they actually profiteering off the enemy as well? Is this treason of an even worse scale? Does Azula have a long term play to actually disinherit Zuko from the line of succession? Is she going to weasel information about the future from the voice in her head?
    Hm... I... ... don't know.
    Akkkkk.....Charter magic. Ummm...Hi. Umm....Seen anything about Clariel?
    I haven't read anything by Nix for about half a decade now, I'm afraid.
    Ellimist system
    Ellimist system
    He has a new abhorsen book coming out about Clair of the Mask. He's been spamming his facebook page like mad about it, giving away stuff and all that.

    Anyway, just nice to see another Abhorsen fan. Never enough of us to go around.
    You ought to do your Dovahkiin game here on SV. I think it might get better reception here, if nothing else.
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