PublicLee S.

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  • As often as your story threads are getting locked it might be time to consider moving them to sites that don't censor.
    Are you under the same name in all sites? I don't see any hyperlinks in your information/signature.
    PublicLee S.
    PublicLee S.
    I'm PublicLee Speaking on & Royal Road (for the SW story), but on QQ I'm Leecifer.
    I guess it's time to see if I can still access QQ or if I've forgotten my login info again. I'm also following you on This is getting to be a pain in the arse.

    Nothing against you, just really irritated at what I suspect this is about.

    EDIT: I've arrived at the other place. Hopefully that will be the last necessary move...
    Dear god, after prep this Endbringer Arc is nothing but a long series of fight scenes! 12.x is already 6k words and it's only 3/5ths done!
    Finished the first half of Arc11, starting to write bk 3. Well, going to bed, then working, then hanging out w/ friends, then starting bk 3.
    Book 2 of Lairs & Liches has been sent off to the copyeditor, which means it's time to continue working on Arc 11!
    Has enough AB chapters in the tank to turn his attention towards the final edit of his first novel.
    Is double checking the next chapter of AB to insure it doesn't violate SV's Rules. It doesn't, but it toes the line. AB's getting dark.
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