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  • Hey, I just Binged Bottle Collector, and it's really good! It reads pretty dreamlike, in a way. You've done a great job with it.
    Hey y'all! I'm probably not going to be posting anything this week- a bunch of project deadlines are coming up at school. Sorry in advance!
    Updated update schedule! First is A Welcome to the Beings, then Bottle Collector, and then A Hero's Vision.
    So! A new update schedule has been decided! I'll update one quest a day. Current order: Welcome to the Beings, then Bottle Collector.
    More hiatuses! I'm still having familial problems regarding basically every hobby I have, so... I'll come back maybe when the summer's over.
    Um... I might be on hiatus for a while. My parents are angry at me again, and they banned me from gadgets. Sorry about this.
    So, um, I might not be able to post today. I just got the art I had to edit for school. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Oh, and it would be fitting to have a Candeloro avatar. :V

    Avatar changed! If I start a new RP, I suppose I'll have to change it again, but it's good anyway!
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