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  • Could you upload Like Father to AO3?
    @Eotyrannus I never saw your reply :( Yeah, the advantage is that it's seen by a larger number of readers, and there's no 'necromancy', thing that SB has, and also people are able to find the story through tags and interest. Unlike on a forum where once it's off the first two pages, it's gone.
    Hello! I have reappeared from the aether. Currently my brain is going 'but this is unfinished and CRINGE', though that is not a complete 'no' to porting it over; thus far Ao3 has significantly less readers for my other story, but that might just be due to Toaru being a relatively niche fanfic fandom. So I shall continue to consider it for now, perhaps see how copy-pastable the SV formatting is for Ao3.
    A combined 1,807 works for all Toaru works, against 321,188 for the generic DC tag. Yeah, it's possible that it might be due to being a niche fandom. :p
    Is that an update in the making?
    And I dearly hope that 2020 wasn't as cruel to you as it could.
    You ok? Lurking and waiting for muse to come?
    Should I decrease the frequency?
    It is most likely a good habit, yus- I don't have any strong opinions, but most writers greatly dislike being booped in regards to when the next update will be, and most readers will repeatedly provide thwack in the comments for people who request updates
    if Shield of Silver dies, it would be fourth work that died after i commissioned art for it. That would be a very bad trend.
    Do you have any plans to continue your Geth Quest?
    No, alas- I have a sufficient pile of three-update quests that any quests by myself can be assumed most thoroughly dead.
    This sentence is super weird btw.

    It was convenient for basing the enhancements of my new champion.
    Did you use to write kim possible fan fiction?
    Nah. I did used to write Transformers fanfiction when I first started, but those abominations of nature have since been eradicated.
    Not to be rude but Is age of Dawning on Hiatus or something. I mean I don't know what you do for a living so you could be working, in school, or a something else.
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