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  • I am da Hydra!
    Got 5 head, each follow me and protect me the white head
    and i can heal and cast magic. this time no hero or demon lord can kill me
    I want to eat the white hair boy. and Keep that loli in her abyssal prison. My old master said 200 years ago that if she was to get out the world will be plunge into 50000 years of darkness again
    While I don't condone murder, I do have a certain personal prison made exactly for stuff like this. If you think your prison can't handle her, there's always room for one more at my place. I don't even charge rent.
    also he try to go chunni but half way there he try to explain that he make a railgun using a rock and a stick.
    I told him "That aint a railgun, dont you mean a gun? I mean that shit doesnt even break yo arm firing it"
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