• Hey there! Sorry to bother, I hope your mold problem got solved before it caused you health problems. I just wanted to ask, do you think you will continue NiS in the future? :o
    I found a new place to move into, but it's undergoing renovations that won't be finished until September at the earliest and I won't be moving in until they're done. Once I'm settled in however, I intend to resume NiS.

    I will still be putting in work on CCQ in the meantime (as it's a collaborative thing), but otherwise you'll need to wait a few months I'm afraid.
    King Prussia
    King Prussia
    Thanks for the answer! I'll patiently wait, in the meantime good luck with moving out and glad to know your troubles are closer to being solved. o/
    I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely loved Lillie's Z-powered adventure, and wanted to thank you for writing it.
    Hey Arkanian, do you got any plans to continue that Sun/Moon quest with Lillie as the protagonist?
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Well that is great to know^^
    As you may or may not have noticed, F/DF has in fact stopped. I do intend to resume the Quest, but have changed my plan to "once the summer rush is over at my job," since with things being so ludicrously busy at work there's no way I'd be able to have a consistent update pace. So probably some time partway through September.
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Well that is great to hear!
    The Witch card is neat- the random commentary on the Witch's dislike was spot on.
    Glad you like it!
    (The first two familiars were named after you and Mura, since familiar names seem mostly arbitrary anyway. Hope you don't mind)
    I don't mind, why would you think that? :p

    Now, where did I leave that newspaper...
    How's progress on the next update of Lillie's Z Powered Adventure? You were updating fairly often for a stint there, and it's been a month. #Where'sMyUpdate #EntitledReader #Writer'sBlock #IShareYourPain
    Crazy Sliver Lady Quest dead? :(
    I'm actually re-reading it in preparation to resume :) I've even written an interlud-and-a-half for it as part of a "sorry-for-the-hiatus" present. I could PM one of them to you if you want.
    don't worry, now that I have assurance that it's not dead, I can wait. :)
    Sorry about the delay with the map of Ophiucus. I've had a busy week and was going to see if I can finish it today, but since it's an academic holiday at my school all of the campus computer rooms are locked.
    Don't worry about it. It's not that big a deal.
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