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  • Hi Acyl

    I really loved reading your story But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci. But you broke it off years ago, and it sounded like you had the ending all planned out. I was really sad. Are you ever going to finish it?
    Hi Acyl, I see you're still liking things but it's been a year or two since you posted any comments on anything.

    I hope you're doing well and that your anxiety is recovering.
    Hi Acyl,

    any word on whether you'll continue with "False Prophets"? The cliffy you've left us with w.r.t. Hanse is ... stupenduous! :D
    Are you okay?
    Today I remembered how awesome are your stories... and looking at your profile page, I started to worry.
    Are you doing okay?
    Covid didn't get you, did it?
    I mean, I'm alive and still employed. This is a necessary distinction, because, for example, I've got friends that are out of work... can't take anything for granted these days, you know? But the nature of my job means that I'm more busy due to the situation, and I'd admit to having a lot of low-level anxiety.
    Silver linings, I suppose.
    I'm glad you're doing as well as can be expected, in the circumstances.
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